Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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How to Send Comment on Other Galveston District Public Notices: Please follow the instructions included with the public notice. For Galveston District Planning and Environmental Documents for public review, please click here.

SWG-2024-00114 - City of Port Lavaca - Lavaca Bay - Calhoun County, Texas

USACE Galveston District
Published June 4, 2024
Expiration date: 7/8/2024

Public Notice          Project Plans

The applicant proposes to construct living shoreline protection consisting of a rock breakwater, a reef breakwater and two marsh creation islands with a total of 7.7 acres of permanent fill related impacts below the high tide line (HTL).  The rock breakwater is proposed to be 2,120-foot-long by 70-foot-wide to 91-foot-wide at the ends resulting in the discharge of 33,500 cubic yards (CY) into 3.51 acres, which will be comprised of stone material and will be located along the southern portion of the project area.  The reef breakwater is proposed to be 950-foot-long by 30-foot-wide, resulting in 4,000 CY into 0.63 acre, which will be comprised of concrete oyster reef breakwater units and located along the northern portion of the project area.  The reef is being proposed as compensatory mitigation to offset potential oyster bed loss, as well as to offer protection for the proposed marsh islands.

The proposed marsh islands would be approximately 1.55 acres and 2.01 acres and situated along the western shoreline of Bayfront Peninsula Park.  The marsh creation islands would be created utilizing approximately 10,000 CY of beneficial use dredge material (BUDM), sourced from nearby upland borrow areas owned by the applicant.  The marsh creation islands will be contoured, graded, and planted with native vegetation species to provide additional habitat benefits to the project and aid in stabilization of newly placed material and shoreline.  The BUDM will be transported via truck using street access routes and proposed temporary vehicle access routes.

Temporary impacts include dredging approximately 6,300 CY within a temporary access channel (1.84 acres).  The dredge material will be temporarily placed into a 1.17-acre area below HTL within the temporary placement area boundaries, in association with the creation of a temporary dredge material placement area.  This material will be returned to its original source location once the project features have been constructed.  Additional temporary impacts are proposed to 0.19 acre of estuarine emergent wetlands from temporary vehicle access roads.

The applicant is also proposing to relocate 0.47 acre of oyster reef to the southern edge of the impacted reef and will be coordinated with TPWD through an aquatic resource relocation plan (ARRP).