Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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How to Send Comment on Other Galveston District Public Notices: Please follow the instructions included with the public notice. For Galveston District Planning and Environmental Documents for public review, please click here.

SWG-2024-00043 - Galveston LNG Bunker Port, LLC - Galveston Bay - Galveston County, Texas

USACE Galveston District
Published Sept. 17, 2024
Expiration date: 10/2/2024

Public Notice          Project Plans

The applicant proposes to construct the Galveston Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Bunker Port Project, a natural gas liquefication facility.  To facilitate the construction and installation of this facility, the applicant proposes the following impacts to open water areas adjacent to on the western side of Shoal Point Island. 

This is the second public notice being issued for this project due to project plan revisions in response to comments received regarding navigation and maneuverability within and adjacent to the Texas City Turning Basin.  The project will now include the following components:  LNG Bunker Vessel (LNGBV) Wharf and a Personal Transfer Dock (PTD).

The proposed LNGBV Wharf will include six breasting dolphins and four mooring dolphins, located behind the wharf bulkhead.  The bulkhead will require discharge of 135 cubic yards (CY) below the high tide line (HTL) of steel-combi-wall bulkhead, backfilled with clean earthen fill covering a footprint of approximately 0.7 acre.

The PTD will be located along the northern edge of the LNGBV Wharf and will consist of a gangway and floating dock, with the gangway connecting the floating dock to the wharf bulkhead, supported by approximately seven steel driven pilings.

The applicant proposes to hydraulically and/or mechanically dredge approximately 75,058 total cubic yards (CY) to approximately -25 ft mean lower low water (MLLW) with a 2-foot over dredge from approximately 2.2 acres below mean high water (MHW).  The shoreline bank will be dredged to a 3 to 1 slope to facilitate a proposed shoreline bulkhead wall.   

The applicant also proposes to discharge approximately 5,357 CY of rip rap below the HTL (consisting of two different sizes) for scour protection with a geotextile underlay.

The remaining land-based facilities, including the heavy haul road will be constructed in uplands and within the active Snake Island Cell C dredge material placement area (DMPA) on Shoal Point and are not proposed to impact waters of the US, wetlands, nor any special aquatic sites.

The applicant proposes to dispose of the dredge material into Shoal Point DMPA Cell C and/or Cell A.