Welcome to USACE Galveston

Hi, I'm Lt. Col. Rhett Blackmon and welcome to the Galveston District! 
We are part of the U.S. Army’s winning team as the world’s premier engineering organization. We are a full-spectrum engineer force of high quality, dedicated soldiers and civilians. We are also your neighbors, your friends, and your family, striving to make a positive impact on the lives of Americans.

It's important to note that our progress would not be possible without our federal, state and local agencies, collaboration with tribal nations, as well as partnering with industry and academia, both old and new.

Just a few examples of our team's recent efforts include:

▪ The Isabella Dam project reached 65% completion on the new emergency spillway and all major project upgrades are scheduled for completion in 2022.

▪ The Veteran Affairs Stockton Outpatient Clinic is scheduled for completion in 2023.

▪ The American River Common Features WRDA 16 project, totaling $1.94B, is fully funded and scheduled for completion in 2025. This levee improvement project is one of the most significant in the district’s history and will help the Sacramento region battle the threats of extreme weather and storms.

Please don't hesitate to contact our staff on our Contact page if you have any questions, comments or concerns.

Building Strong, Army Strong, Essayons! 

Lt. Col. Rhett Blackmon
Sacramento District Commander

Our Mission


With its rich heritage in Texas history, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Galveston District plays a key role in America’s well-being by keeping waterways open for navigation and commerce and serves the nation as part of the world’s largest public engineering, design and construction management agency.

Encompassing the Texas coast from Louisiana to Mexico; an area that spans across 50,000 square miles, includes 48 counties, two parishes and 16 congressional districts, the Galveston District successfully executes its mission of providing vital public engineering services in peace and war to strengthen our nation’s security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disasters.

The USACE Galveston District is one of four districts (Forth Worth, Little Rock and Tulsa) that is part of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Southwestern Division (headquartered in Dallas).

Our Mission and Vision

Mission: The USACE Galveston District is committed to providing vital public engineering services in peace and war to strengthen our nation's security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disasters.

Vision: A great engineering force of highly disciplined people working with our partners through disciplined thought and action to deliver innovative and sustainable solutions to the nation's engineering challenges.

Texas Coast - Value to the Nation

From the natural beaches of Sabine Pass near Port Arthur to the rich diversity of bird and marine wildlife along the Laguna Madre near Port Isabel, the sweep of the Texas coast contains varied and fragile ecosystems juxtaposed with highly industrialized areas that host a national economic powerhouse. The USACE Galveston District is involved in virtually every mile of the 367-mile coastline, and plays an integral role in both the preservation of nature’s treasures that are a living part of the Texas coastal region as well as serving and preserving the industries that fuel commerce and power our nation. 

The USACE has been an active player in the development of the Texas coast for many years, but a milestone was the establishment of the Galveston District in 1880 to oversee river and harbor improvements along the entire Texas coast.  Nearly 20 years later, after the Great Storm of 1900, the USACE helped Galveston recover from the deadliest hurricane in American history and build protection against future hurricanes.  That protection, the iconic Galveston Seawall, helped protect Galveston during Hurricane Ike in 2008.  Over the years, the USACE’  involvement with the Texas coast has seen the construction and maintenance of 1,000 miles of channel with 16 major deep draft ports along the Texas coast that generate over $9 billion in federal tax revenue through the handling of more than 500 million tons of cargo annually. 

Tasked with the mission of providing vital engineering services to strengthen the nation’s security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disaster, the USACE Galveston District plays a role in managing the projects along the Texas coastline to protect these valuable resources. These projects and oversight includes:

  • Barrier island shoreline stabilization
  • Beneficial use
  • Coastal habitat protection and restoration
  • Hurricane and storm protection
  • Navigation
  • Oyster reef restoration
  • Regional Sedimentation Management Plan
  • Sabine Pass to Galveston
  • Sea grass protection
  • Securing freshwater inflows
  • Shoreline erosion
  • Storm surge
  • Texas Coastal Study
  • Texas ports (value to the nation): Waterborne commerce and petroleum and chemical
  • Texas water supply
  • Threatened and endangered species
  • Wetlands and coastal ecosystems

What We Do

  • The USACE Galveston District plays a key role in America’s well-being by keeping our waterways open for navigation.
  • The district contributes to the safety, economic success and quality of life of local communities by improving navigation channels along the Texas coast.
  • The district implements the Environmental Operating Principles on all our projects to ensure environmental success.
  • The district carefully balances regulatory decisions to protect the nation’s aquatic resources.
  • The district is the nation’s environmental engineer.
  • The district maximizes environmental restoration opportunities as part of all our studies, and is building a wetlands area as part of the district’s project.
  • The district contributes to the well-being, economic success and quality of life of local communities through beneficial use of dredge material.
  • The district provides strong protection of the nation’s aquatic environment.
  • The district restores properties and ecosystems, making both again available to the public for beneficial use.
  • The district’s environmental projects improve quality of life by promoting sustainable economic development.

Who We Are

Galveston District

Galveston District has been serving the area since 1881. Our district boundaries include Southern Missouri and most of Arkansas.

We are part of the U.S. Army’s winning team, with both military and civil missions.

We are your neighbors, your friends, and your family.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is the world’s premier engineering organization. Trained and ready to provide support any time or any place. A full-spectrum engineer force of high quality, dedicated soldiers and civilians.

We exist to support the soldiers, airmen and their families and to develop and maintain the infrastructure in the area. We strive to make a positive impact on the lives of American citizens.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Little Rock District has unmatched experience as a planning, design and construction agency. We have a "can-do" reputation for delivering a quality product on time and within cost.

We are professionals in a wide range of disciplines who provide expertise in many areas. Our dedicated, interdisciplinary staff is capable of addressing all phases of a project from planning and design through completion of construction. Engineering, environmental, real estate, contracting and other needs associated with federal, state and local programs can be met by our capable staff.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has approximately 37,000 dedicated Civilians and Soldiers delivering engineering services to customers in more than 130 countries worldwide.

With environmental sustainability as a guiding principle, our disciplined Corps team is working diligently to strengthen our Nation’s security by building and maintaining America’s infrastructure and providing military facilities where our servicemembers train, work and live. We are also researching and developing technology for our war fighters while protecting America’s interests abroad by using our engineering expertise to promote stability and improve quality of life.

We are energizing the economy by dredging America’s waterways to support the movement of critical commodities and providing recreation opportunities at our campgrounds, lakes and marinas.

And by devising hurricane and storm damage reduction infrastructure, we are reducing risks from disasters.

Our men and women are protecting and restoring the Nation’s environment including critical efforts in the Everglades, the Louisiana coast, and along many of our Nation’s major waterways.  The Corps is also cleaning sites contaminated with hazardous, toxic or radioactive waste and material in an effort to sustain the environment.

Through deeds, not words, we are BUILDING STRONG.

Where We Are


Executive Office
The executive office and subordinate offices directly support the commander and deputy commander.

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers – Information Technology is the enterprise IT service delivery team for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. ACE-IT supports the mission requirements of USACE customers by delivering mission-focused IT services using an enterprise service delivery model. ACE-IT designs, engineers and operates two major data centers and a worldwide data network, in addition to providing direct on-site command and control, coordination, planning and operations and maintenance support for routine and emergency information technology resources and services.

Contracting Division provides comprehensive acquisition solutions in times of peace, war and disaster for the Galveston District and our partners. We provide many business opportunities in the civilian community through our missions of navigation, flood risk management, ecosystem restoration, emergency management, beneficial use, regulatory, and support for others. 

The Office of the Counsel is primarily responsible for the delivery of Corps legal services to the Galveston District, including preventative law and alternate disputes resolution and for ensuring that compliance with government regulations, policy and guidance.

Equal Employment Opportunity
The EEO Office provides leadership and direction in creating and sustaining a diverse workforce and an environment free of discrimination at USACE. The EEO Office and USACE work proactively to enhance the employment of women, minorities, veterans, and people with disabilities. This is achieved through policy development, oversight, complaints prevention, outreach, education and training programs.

Human Resources
At USACE, a Civilian Personnel Advisory Center (CPAC) is used interchangeably with Human Resources (HR). The CPAC is a regionalized personnel action center assigned to a specific command or installation. The CPAC manages recruits/hires, staffing actions, classification, in- and out-processing, employee relations, and labor relations.

Library Program
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Library Program offers many different resources to its customers, including reference, interlibrary borrowing, Internet and database searching, regulations and policy and maps for review and downloading.

Logistics Management
The Office of Logistics Management provides infrastructure support and program management in the areas of maintenance management, transportation management, supply and facilities management; and travel, transportation, warehousing, property, office moves, building and grounds maintenance, locksmithing, and custodial services.

Public Affairs
The Public Affairs Office is the principal point of contact for the Galveston District. The PAO is responsible for ensuring that the public is informed about the District's activities and about the priorities and policies of the USACE.

Safety and Occupational Health
Provides the commander and staff with advice and assistance in planning, organizing, directing, and evaluation of all safety and health programs. We ensure that required safety features are incorporated into all plans, designs, specifications, operating and maintenance procedures and training programs.

Engineering and Technical Services Branch

Engineering and Construction
Engineering and Construction Division provides management of quality engineering and construction products and services. We provide oversight on navigation and flood related projects, and oversee permit procedures and real estate functions. The Engineering and Construction Division has three main branches that, in turn, have subordinate sections and offices. 

Planning and Environmental
The Planning and Environmental Branch is responsible for initiating studies of various water resources related projects and developing recommendations to Congress on the appropriateness of funding these projects. These studies involve flood risk management, navigation, shore protection, environmental restoration and recreation. We provide expertise in plan formulation, environmental planning and economic analysis, and are responsible for the Continuing Authorities Program and Planning Assistance to States programs, which provide information and assistance on water resource concerns to the public.

Operations Branch
Operations Branch constructs, operates and maintains Galveston District's navigation and flood control projects.

Design Section plans, designs, budgets, schedules and executes civil works operations and maintenance navigation dredging projects. Design section employees produce a variety of technical products including plans for dredging, condition survey drawings and controlling depth reports. The section manages the district’s navigation and dredging program and serves as the district’s principal point of contact with local sponsor, project users, maritime, dredging industry and technical interests, local and state governments and other federal agencies for all matters pertaining to the operation and maintenance of federal navigation channels.

Technical Support performs engineering, design, and environmental analysis in support of the District’s Operations & Maintenance, or O&M, dredging program. Its employees prepare and coordinate environmental assessments, environmental impact statements, permit applications, public notices and other documents necessary to the O&M program. The employees utilize computer-aided design systems to conduct investigations and analysis to anticipate and resolve environmental issues, placement alternatives, and design of unique water-related facilities.

Geospatial Services is a team of geospatial specialists consisting of engineers, physical scientists, and geographers that provides geospatial consulting services and integrates geospatial technology into the project management business process. This includes:

  • Conducts enterprise geographic information system, or (eGIS), needs assessments, developing eGIS implementation plans, and implementing eGIS technology and work processes.
  • Develops decision-making tools and procedures that facilitate the widespread use of geospatial data leading to greater efficiencies in support of customer needs.
  • Performs spatial analysis and data modeling.

Navigation and Survey Section acquires engineering, scientific, environmental, topographic, and hydrographic surveying data in support of new work and maintenance construction of civil works projects such as navigation and beach nourishment and protection. The section performs investigations and removal when necessary of obstructions, wrecks, and floating debris in navigable waters and conducts harbor patrols to enforce and prevent unauthorized deposits into navigable waters in the District. The section's employees perform quality assurance on civil works construction contracts such as dredging, dike construction, and beach nourishment and protection.

Emergency Management
Emergency Management's primary mission is emergency preparedness and coordinating response for natural disasters and/or national emergencies.

The primary areas of the Galveston District Security Program include physical security, personnel security, communications security, operations security and information systems security. This ensures Corps employees and visitors will have a safe and secure environment in which to operate.

Programs and Projects Division

Programs Branch oversees program analysis and development for the District. It administers the Planning, Programs and Project Management Division, or P3MD, operating budget, develops program budget guidance for use by each branch chief in preparing their annual budget submission in close coordination with the Resource Management Office.

Projects Branch is responsible for overall management of the District's civil works, military and environmental project workload. Serves as the principal advisor to the project manager on project schedule and fund management and other issues on assigned projects. Participates as a key member of the District's Congressional briefing team as well as in briefings to potential regional, state, and local project sponsors.

Regulatory Office
The Regulatory Office issues permits for proposed regulated activities. Areas that the Galveston District regulates include, but are not limited to, tidal marshes, seasonally saturated forested and non-forested wetlands, swamps, rivers, bays, and streams.

Water Resources
The Water Resources Division serves as the District's single champion for water resources issues and provides collaborative, holistic management water resources.

Resource Management Office
Our mission responsibilities include: providing sound financial leadership, enhancing internal controls, and upholding fiscal accountability while providing timely, accurate, and reliable financial information.

Real Estate
Acquires, manages and disposes of real estate; Executes DoD executive agent responsibilities; Executes specialized programs; Provides real estate services on an as-needed basis to our government partners; and Performs unique contingency capabilities.

Small Business
We develop small businesses and maximizes their opportunities for procurements within SWD’s footprint on a continual basis, thereby ensuring a broad base of capable small business firms to support our mission and strengthen our Nation’s economic development.

Hot Topics

  • Our MSC project is open for comment until October 1, 2023.


Galveston District Webmaster, , jess.levenson@usace.army.mil

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