The U.S. Corps of Engineers has an administrative appeal process whereby applicants and landowners may appeal denied permits, declined proffered permits, or approved jurisdictional determinations (decisions that are made at the district level). The request for an appeal of such decisions are appealed to the division office. Requests for appeal must be received by the division office within 60 days of the date of the appealable decision. A site visit or an appeal conference or meeting may be conducted during the appeal process. A decision on the merits of the appeal based on the administrative record is normally made in 90 days. The division engineers will either uphold the district’s decision or send the case back to the district, with direction to make a new decision.
Visit the Southwestern Divisions's website to: 1) learn more about the appeal process, including the regulations, forms, flow charts, previous appeal decisions, and other division administrative appeal web pages; 2) view a series of informational videos designed to educate potential appellants on the Regulatory appeal proces and; 3) view the list of current appeals.