Office of Counsel

Mission:  The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Legal Services System is an integrated network of Counsel offices that spans the globe — 51 Offices in the Continental United States, as well as offices in Hawaii, Alaska, Korea, Japan and Germany. These offices employ over 450 attorneys and support staff. We are counselors to decisionmakers and play a critical role in the planning and execution of Corps projects. Our goal is to practice preventive law — to get out in front in the planning and design phases of Corps projects to facilitate smooth and effective execution. As attorneys, our mission is to represent Corps legal position and rights as an organization in such areas as contract law, environmental law, fiscal law, torts and admiralty claims, personnel law and EEO, just to name a few. But the Corps legal services organization also is respected as a leader in the Partnering and Alternative Dispute Resolution Programs.

The USACE Galveston District Office of the Counsel is primarily responsible for the delivery of Corps legal services to the Galveston District, including preventative law and alternate disputes resolution and for ensuring that compliance with government regulations, policy and guidance.

Learn more about our areas of practice and program oversight.

Freedom of Information Act

To assist you with your request, please visit our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) webpage. We have provided information on the procedures, rules and regulations pertinent to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ processing of FOIA requests. Also provided are links to various sites, which you may find helpful in understanding and interpreting the act.

Areas of Practice and Program Oversight

To learn more about the Office of Counsel's Areas of Practice and Program Oversight, visit this page.

Galveston District Office of Counsel
Mailing Address:
USACE Galveston District
P.O. Box 1229
Galveston, TX 77553-1229

Phone: 409-766-3194