Freeport Harbor


USACE has completed the final Feasibility Report (FR) and final  Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) for proposed improvements to Freeport Harbor, Brazoria County, Texas. The non-Federal sponsor for the study and proposed project is Port Freeport.  The Freeport Harbor Channel Improvement Project (FHCIP) would deepen and selectively widen the Freeport Harbor Channel and associated turning basins (except Brazos Harbor), up to and including the Stauffer Turning Basin to reduce existing operational constraints. USACE evaluated alternatives and identified a recommended plan that would provide cost-effective and efficient navigation while minimizing environmental impacts. 


The final EIS is now available for public review and comment through October 9, 2012.  All comments must be postmarked by that date.  Comments may be sent to USACE, Galveston District, Attn: Ms. Janelle Stokes, P.O. Box 1229, Galveston, TX 77553-1229.  Comments may also be emailed to  Questions about the EIS can be answered by Ms. Janelle Stokes, (409) 766-3039 and questions about the proposed project in general can be answered by Ms. Sharon Tirpak, Project Manager, (409) 766-3136.

The Notice of Availability (dated Sept. 7, 2012), final FR and final EIS (dated September 2012) can be viewed at:


The recommended plan extends the existing Outer Bar Channel 1.3 miles further into the Gulf of Mexico at a depth of -58 mean lower low water (MLLW) and a width of 600 feet, deepens the existing Outer Bar Channel to -58 MLLW and the Jetty Channel to -56 MLLW, deepens the Lower Turning Basin and Main Channel through Station 132+66 (just upstream of the Brazosport Turning Basin) to -56 MLLW and widens the Brazosport Turning Basin to 1,200 feet, deepens the channel from Station 132+66 through the Upper Turning Basin to -51 MLLW, deepens and widens the Lower Stauffer Channel to -51 MLLW by 300 feet wide, and dredges the Upper Stauffer Channel to -26 MLLW deep by 200 feet wide in lieu of restoring its previously authorized dimensions of -31 MLLW by 200 feet. No modifications to the existing Freeport Jetties are contemplated in conjunction with this project. Mitigation is proposed to compensate for unavoidable environmental impacts resulting from construction of 2 new upland placement areas.  The  mitigation plan creates 12 acres of riparian forest and 3 acres of coastal wetlands.


Compact discs of the final EIS can be obtained by contacting Ms. Janelle Stokes at the address above. In addition, copies of the final EIS are available for viewing at the following libraries:

·       Brazoria County Library System, 451 N. Velasco, Angleton, TX 77515

·       Brazoria Library, 620 South Brooks, Brazoria, TX 77422

·       Clute Branch Library, 215 N. Shanks St., Clute, TX 77531

·       Freeport Library, 410 Brazosport Blvd, Freeport, TX 77541

·       Lake Jackson Library, 250 Circle Way, Lake Jackson, TX 77566

·       Alvin Branch Library, 105 South Gordon, Alvin, TX 77511

·       Danbury Branch Library, 1702 North Main, Danbury, TX 77531

·       Manuel Branch Library, 20514B Hwy 6, Manuel, TX 77578

·       Sweeney Branch Library, 205 W. Ashley Wilson Rd., Sweeney, TX 77480

·       West Columbia Branch Library, 518 East Brazos, West Columbia, TX 77486