U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Regulatory Permit Application Forms

An applicant must provide several types of information to enable the Corps to evaluate the proposed project.  The types of information we need include a completed application form and legible and clear drawings or illustrations.  For your convenience, the application form is available online.  Please submit your request to CESWGRegulatoryInbox@usace.army.mil.  For more information about our General Permit Program, please visit our Nationwide General Permit and Regional General Permit websites.



Department of the Army Permit Application Form

A fillable Adobe PDF form for filling out, printing and email distribution. The form is required for standard permit applications. Additional instructions for the application form may be found here.  Internet Explorer is recommended for viewing. 

NOTE: If you receive an error message regarding your PDF viewer, right click the "Application Form" link and select "Save Link As" or "Save Target As" to download the application to your computer.  You may need to select "Enable All Features" to view the downloaded form in Adobe Acrobat.

Department of the Army Nationwide Permit Pre-Construction Notification (PCN) Form

A fillable Adobe PDF form for filling out, printing and email distribution. The form is used for Nationwide Permit applications.  Internet Explorer is recommended for viewing. 

NOTE: If you receive an error message regarding your PDF viewer, right click the "Application Form" link and select "Save Link As" or "Save Target As" to download the application to your computer.  You may need to select "Enable All Features" to view the downloaded form in Adobe Acrobat.

Sample Plans

You must submit the following black and white drawings on 8.5 x 11-inch paper: vicinity map, plan view and cross-section. These sample plans are examples of typical plans. More information may need to be submitted as determined on a case-by-case basis.

Vicinity Map

A vicinity or location map showing the site of the proposed activity clearly marked and shown in relation to the nearest major roads, cities, and waterways in the area. The map needs to have enough information to allow someone to look at the map and be able to get to the site without requesting more information.

Bulkhead and Pier Sample Plans

Bulkheads and Piers are one of the most common projects requiring a Department of the Army permit. The sample plans illustrate the required information necessary for a permit evaluation.

Dredging Sample Plans

Dredging also requires a Department of the Army permit. The sample plans illustrate the required information necessary for a permit evaluation.

Clean Water Act Section 401 Water Quality Certification

On 13 July 2020, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) published the Final Rule regarding Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule (Federal Register 85, no. 134 (July 13, 2020): 42210) which became effective on 11 September 2020. 
The EPA has delegated the authority to review and certify water quality certification requests to the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) and the Texas Railroad Commission (TRRC).  The TCEQ is responsible for conducting Section 401 certification reviews of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 permit applications for the discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States (U.S.), including wetlands.  The Texas Railroad Commission (TRRC) is the state agency that administers the Section 401 water quality certification program for oil and gas exploration in Texas.  The purpose of these certification reviews is to determine whether a proposed discharge will comply with state water quality standards.
Under Texas Natural Resources Code, Chapter 91, §91.101, relating to Rules and Orders, the TRRC has jurisdiction over “activities associated with the storage, handling, reclamation, gathering, transportation, or distribution of oil or gas prior to the refining of such oil or prior to the use of such gas in any manufacturing process or as a residential or industrial fuel.”  TCEQ has jurisdiction over refined petroleum products and has authority over all non-oil and gas projects.  If you have further questions, please contact TCEQ and/or TRRC.
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Southwestern Division (SWD) has agreed with TCEQ to continue using the 2000 MOA Section 401 Certification Procedures, including the delegation for Tier I and Tier II projects, only for Corps permit applications received PRIOR to 11 September 2020.  All applications received after this date will follow the Clean Water Act Section 401 Certification Rule procedures.

Additional Evaluation Factors

If your project is located within the Texas Coastal Management Area, you will need to submit this compliance statement on the Coastal Management Program Form  with your application.
Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA), as amended, requires federal agencies to consider the effects of proposed federal undertakings on heritage resources. NHPA’s implementing regulations found in 36 CFR Part 800, require federal agencies (and their designees, permitees, licensees, or grantees) to initiate consultation with the State Historic Preservation Officer (SHPO) as part of the Section 106 review process. In order for the Corps to determine if your project will have an effect on historic properties or culturally significant resources, we request that you provide an archaeological report or literature and records search from the Texas Historical Commission.
Your proposed activity might affect Federally-listed threatened or endangered species. Please check with our staff or a biological consulting firm to determine whether there might be an effect on listed species when you submit your application. The Corps must consult with the appropriate Federal agencies if your activity might affect listed species.
Mitigation measures may be required for direct and indirect impacts to the aquatic environment caused by projects in waters of the U.S. A mitigation plan, which includes monitoring, is required for all forms of compensatory mitigation.
If you still have questions regarding the preparation of an application after reading this material please contact our general information line at 409-766-3869 (Galveston Office) or 361-814-5847 (Corpus Christi Office).

Additional Application Information

Section 408 Application - Galveston District Operations Division Section 408 application for work that modifies a Federal Project.  Please submit the Section 408 application to Operations Division email at CESWG-OD-INT-REV@usace.army.mil.

Real Estate Outgrant Application - Galveston District Real Estate Division Outgrant application for projects that require permission to utilize Federal easements.  Please submit the Real Estate Outgrant application to the Real Estate Division.  You may contact the Real Estate Division via email at SWG-RE@usace.army.mil or by phone at 409-766-3800.

Sampling and Analysis Plan Protocol Private Dredging - Galveston District Operation Division guidance on developing a private dredging Sampling and Analysis Plan for testing of private dredged material.