Devastating flooding from Hurricane Harvey and several recent flood events in the Houston metropolitan area were a call to evaluate what could be done to further reduce flood risks to the communities along Buffalo Bayou and its tributaries, both upstream and downstream of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Addicks and Barker dams.
The Corps, in coordination with the Harris County Flood Control District, began evaluating alternatives in 2018 with the goal of helping to reduce flooding under a range of flood events. This effort is the Buffalo Bayou & Tributaries Resiliency Study.
To meet the study’s goals, a team of experts is using the best available science and technology to evaluate alternatives for a recommendation that will ensure that the dams are designed, operated and maintained as safely and effectively as possible into the future. Additionally, the study will consider and recommend actions based on the changed conditions of the study area. This could include new projects and/or potential modifications to the Buffalo Bayou system to reduce flood risks to people, property, and communities.
We welcome your involvement in the study process and encourage your understanding of the roles we all play in reducing flood risk. The potential outcome of this study may both add value to and affect aspects of the study area communities.