Construction Quality Management (CQM) for Contractors











PURPOSE:  This Construction Quality Management Course for contractors is being presented as a result of partnering efforts with the Associated Builders and Contractors, Associated General Contractors, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers and the Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC). The purpose of this course is to familiarize contractor personnel with USACE and NAVFAC construction quality management concepts and procedures.

The mutual goal of the Contractor and the Government is to achieve a quality product, executed safely, on time, and within budget. Quality management succeeds through a partnership between the Contractor and the Government. The Contractor is responsible for providing a Quality Control (QC) Personnel that meets the required experience and to perform daily QC of the work, while the Government through Quality Assurance (QA) ensures that the Contractor's Quality Control program is working effectively.

Although students who pass the CQM-C class receive a certificate, they must also meet contractual experience and education requirements to be a designated CQC System Manager on a project. It is recommended that Contractors review contract specifications for applicable experience requirements.

COURSE TIME AND DATES:  Dates for upcoming in person CQM classes to be held at the Galveston District Jadwin building in Galveston.    

  • Feb. 22, 2025 - Registration for this class is closed.
  • May 17, 2025 - Open
  • Aug. 16, 2025

Registration is limited to 60 students per class.  Lunch will be a 1hour break, students should look at a maps program to locate eating establishments in the area.

Please see the Registration Instructions. 

This website will be updated often with information on COVID requirements for District Office access. Mask/face coverings are currently optional, but the masking requirements are subject to change.


SPECIAL GUIDANCEUnder the revised requirement of Section 01 45 01.00 Quality Control, it is mandatory that this course be successfully completed to be approved as the contractor’s quality control manager.

DESCRIPTION AND TRAINING MATERIALS:  Please click the following links to download the Student Study Guide. Students should read the study guide and answer the questions prior to start of class (approx. 4-6 hour time requirement). Students should bring a hard copy or electronic copy of the student guide with questions answered to the class. No electrical outlets will be provided for powering computers.

Registration Instructions

  1. Interested students need to register for the course by emailing the following items to
  • Preferred class date
  • Your name
  • Your email with company email address
  • Phone number
  • Company name
  • Company address
  • Company with SAM.Gov Unique Entity ID Number (UEI#)
  • Company/supervisor contact information (email and phone number)
  • *U.S. citizen? Yes or No
  • *All non-U.S. citizen visitors must receive prior approval to access the USACE Galveston District facilities. Specific requirements will be coordinated on an individual basis with the district Point of Contact (POC). This coordination may take several weeks before possible access is granted (Army Regulation 380-10).

2.    There is no charge for the CQM course taught in the USACE Galveston District office; however, the CQM course is only offered to current employees working for Federal Government Contractors. 

3.    Upon successful completion of the course, attendance in all training sessions and obtaining a passing grade of at least 70 on the Post Test, the student will be provided a certificate by email.

4.    Students will be required to arrive at the USACE Galveston District office (2000 Fort Point Road, Galveston, TX 77550) security gate between 7:30 – 7:55 a.m. only.

5.    To enter the facility, come in the main entrance, provide your driver’s license to enter through the gate and park. Enter the building, show your ID again and sign in. You will be shown to the classroom.


Course #701, CQM for Contractors Recertification Course (on-line), is no longer being offered. Recertification is obtained through retaking the classroom course.