Tag: shoaling
  • May

    What is dredging?

    Q: What is dredging? A. Dredging is essentially the underwater excavation of a channel. Throughout the year, sediments within the water column will settle and accumulate within the channel, a process that is known as shoaling. The shoaled material is removed to the authorized project depth (plus advance maintenance and allowable overdepth) to allow for safe navigation between dredging cycles, a process known as maintenance dredging.
  • What are the Colorado River Locks?

    Q. What are the Colorado River Locks? A. USACE Galveston District locks provide navigation access through the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, assisting vessels crossing the intersection of the Colorado River.
  • February

    USACE Galveston District keeps commerce moving along the Texas coast

    GALVESTON, Texas (Feb. 17, 2012) - On any given day, ships carrying cargo from Mexico to China pull into one of the 28 ports along the Texas coast to deliver imported goods ranging from coffee to cars – a maritime industry that generates $135 billion in economic value to the state and creates nearly one million jobs.