Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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SWG-2017-00654 - Accutrans Fleeting Services, LLC - Old River Channel - Harris County, Texas

Published Nov. 3, 2020
Expiration date: 12/7/2020

Public Notice           Project Plans

PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The applicant requests to retain work via an after-the-fact (ATF) authorization for dredging activities performed in Old River Channel.  Work to retain includes dredging and bulkheading affecting the navigable waters of Old River Channel.  The applicant installed a bulkhead and dock in uplands then excavated the upland material to extend the Mean High Tide line to the bulkhead.

Specifically, the applicant proposes to retain 300-linear-feet (LF) of steel sheet piling, which will act as bulkheading for the development and armor the shoreline against potential daily tidal erosion.  This bulkhead was installed above the high tide line in uplands.  During the bulkhead construction, the applicant installed concrete pilings landward of the bulkhead to assist in the stabilization of the project site and to provide footing for other facilities.  The area behind the bulkhead was then backfilled with earthen soil excavated during construction and grading activities from the remainder of the project site.  These upland areas were graded to pre-determined elevations and paved with crushed gravel.  A dock was also constructed behind the bulkheading in uplands for bulk material unloading and loading.  All of this work was completed within uplands adjacent to the shoreline.  After the upland work was complete, approximately 9,970 cubic yards (CY) (0.25 acre) was excavated 10-feet in front of the installed bulkhead, landward of the mean high tide line (MHT) to a depth of 12-feet below mean lower low water (MLLW) as part of the proposed barge terminal which extended the MHT to the bulkhead.  Soil excavated from this upland portion of the project site was utilized on-site as backfill material for the bulkhead and upland fill material for the remainder of the proposed development.  

Additional new work being proposed consists of dredging a 7.18-acre area to a depth of 10-feet below MLLW, with a two-foot over dredge, and proposed bi-annual maintenance dredging.  Approximately 10,000 CY of material would be excavated during the proposed dredging.  Dredging activities would utilize land-based, long-armed track hoes, and dredged material would be evenly spread in existing uplands on private property owned by the applicant.  The proposed total dredging depth (12-feet) would match the existing bottom elevations of the adjacent Old River Channel and allow bulk material barges access to the dock area of the project site.  Once dredging is complete, 30 CY of dolphins and moorings would be installed into the dredged area to provide barge tie-offs, navigation aids, and delineate the extended reach of the applicant’s property.  The overall project would deepen and widen the existing channel within the project site to accommodate barge traffic.  A dredge material management plan has been added to the attached project plans.