Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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How to Send Comments on Regulatory Division Public Notices: Send comments to the Regulatory Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District, P.O. Box 1229, Galveston, Texas 77553-1229 or by electronic mail to our Public Notice Comment Email. Comments made in reference to a public notice should include your name, address, phone number and the Department of the Army permit number referenced in the public notice (e.g. SWG-2015-00001).  

How to Send Comment on Other Galveston District Public Notices: Please follow the instructions included with the public notice. For Galveston District Planning and Environmental Documents for public review, please click here.

SWG-2013-00147 - Freeport LNG Development, L.P. - Freeport Harbor Ship Channel - Brazoria County, Texas

USACE Galveston District
Published Sept. 7, 2023
Expiration date: 10/10/2023

Public Notice          Project Plans

Freeport LNG Development (FLNG) have requested a Department of the Army maintenance dredge permit to include the use of mechanical, hydraulic and hopper dredges and to dispose of the dredged material in the Freeport Harbor Maintenance Offshore Dredge Material Disposal Site (ODMDS).  The maintenance dredge permit authorizes dredging of the entire FLNG Basin (both Dock 1 and Dock 2).  Dredging conducted via a hydraulic cutter head dredge and/or mechanical clamshell will utilize to a dump scow barge.  The barge will be transported to the Freeport Harbor Maintenance ODMDS where the material will be dumped.  Maintenance dredge cycles utilizing a hopper dredge will not require a barge for transportation of the dredged material.  Each maintenance dredging cycle is expected to take 3 months to complete.  Submittals to evaluate effects of dredging and disposal of dredge material will be conducted, as required by Section 103 of the MPRSA.  FLNG has estimated that maintenance dredge cycles will occur annually and are estimated to remove approximately 250,000 cubic yards.