Full Public Notice Project Plans Permit History File
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to combine several previously authorized permits (see attached list) under one authorization, maintenance dredge for 10-years, and modify the following existing structures. Additionally, the applicant is requesting new authorization to permanently fill 0.695-acres of palustrine forested wetland (PFO) and 317-linear feet (0.170-acres) of perennial stream in order to construct a Butane Chiller Facility. Please see the attached permit history document for a description of the permits to be consolidated.
Dock 1 Modification Request (SWG-1998-01773):
• DEMOLITION/REMOVAL WORK: The removal of 10 existing breasting dolphins, removal of the existing Dock 1 platform, removal of existing walkways, removal of existing pipelines, removal of existing approachway and the removal of the existing dock house. See attached drawing set for details.
• CONSTRUCTION WORK: The installation of 123-ft x 60-ft pile supported dock platform, four ship breasting dolphins with walkways, two monopile breasting dolphins, six onshore mooring dolphins, new approachway, a 60-ft by 40-ft valve containment, 60-ft x 30-ft firewater intake structure,40-ft x 40-ft firewater intake structure, dock house, a 12-ft x 15-ft hose tower with hydraulic crane, gangway tower, dock safety unit skid, product loading arms, piperack, and installation of approximately 1,989-linear feet of sheetpile bulkhead (existing bulkhead to be abandoned in place).
Dock 2 Modification Request (SWG-1998-01773):
• DEMOLITION/REMOVAL WORK: The removal of two existing product loading arms, removal of existing product piping, removal of existing gangway support structure, removal of existing MLA control tower, removal of existing sump pile, and removal of existing fender panels.
• CONSTRUCTION WORK: The installation of 15-ft x 20-ft gangway tower foundation extended from the previously authorized platform, gangway tower, 12-ft x 45-ft-tall hose tower with hydraulic crane on previously authorized platform, five new product loading arms on previously authorized platform, two 54-inch-diameter monopile breasting dolphin, four 5.5-ft x 12-ft breasting fenders on existing dolphins, piperack with nine 24-ft-wide bents spaced every 20-ft.
Dock C Request to Modify and Retain:
• DEMOLITION/REMOVALWORK: The removal of nine existing breasting dolphins, removal of existing Dock C platform, removal of two firewater pump foundations and associated firewater equipment, removal of firewater intake support piles, removal of existing approachway, removal of existing dock house, removal of a section of the existing bulkhead, removal of existing product piping, and the removal of the 6-inch-diameter Sunoco LP pipeline.
• CONSTRUCTION WORK: The installation of 100-ft x 60-ft pile supported platform, new gangway tower, hose tower with hydraulic crane, four product loading arms, four ship breasting dolphins with walkways, two monopile breasting dolphins, six onshore mooring dolphins, onshore valve containment foundation, firewater intake structure and equipment, dock house, piperack, product piping, and installation of approximately 1,160-ft of sheetpile bulkhead. The project will also include dredging of approximately 330,000 CY of material to a depth of (-)43.0-ft with 1’ advanced maintenance and 1’ allowable overdepth. The dredge area is 6.5 acres and all dredged material will be placed in Placements Area 18, 21, 22, 23, 24, or 25.