Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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SWG-1998-02298 - Texas Parks and Wildlife Department - West Bay as well as Dana Cove, Carancahua, Butterowe, and Oak Bayous - Galveston County, Texas

Published Sept. 17, 2019
Expiration date: 10/18/2019

Full Public Notice          Project Plans

PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The applicant proposes to dredge approximately 67,000 cubic yards of sediment from 15,800 linear feet of optional construction flotation/access channels to facilitate the construction of a rock breakwater.  The channel bottom width would range from 60 ft. - 100 ft., totaling a maximum of approximately 37 acres.  The dredged material would be temporarily side cast directly adjacent to the construction access channels and returned to the access channels after the rock breakwater is constructed.  Upon completion of work, dredged material shall be placed back into the channels.  The proposed project would place approximately 31,250 cubic yards of graded rock riprap to construct 7,550 linear feet of breakwater.  The bottom width range of the breakwater would range from 21 ft. - 34 ft. and would cover a maximum of approximately 5.9 acres of bay bottom.  The rock breakwater will be constructed to elevation ~3.5 NAVD 88. 

The rock breakwaters would be constructed at the mouths of Oak Bayou, and Dana Cove.  The breakwaters would follow the alignment of deteriorated geo-textile tubes that were constructed in 1998-1999.  A backhoe on a barge will also be used to dredge the optional flotation channel and then place the dredged material in the temporary stockpile area and return the dredged material to the flotation channels after the breakwater is constructed.

The purpose of the project is to protect existing estuarine habitat, approximately 87 acres of emergent marsh, approximately 12 acres of mud and sand flats from erosion and to protect and enhance approximately 311 acres of shallow open water including seagrass beds.  The proposed project would also complement other restoration projects that have been completed at this area; the most recent being the Recovery Act: Restoring Estuarine Habitat in West Galveston Bay constructed in 2010 and the Galveston Island State Park Marsh Restoration and Protection in Carancahua Cove and Dana Cove Project in 2017 (SWG-2009-00292).

This project has received funding through the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation (NFWF) Gulf Environmental Benefit Fund (GBEF).  This funding source was created out of the criminal settlements associated with the Deepwater Horizon (DWH) oil spill.  The project is being jointly managed by the Texas General Land Office and Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.