Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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How to Send Comment on Other Galveston District Public Notices: Please follow the instructions included with the public notice. For Galveston District Planning and Environmental Documents for public review, please click here.

SWG-2000-00995 - US Fish and Wildlife Service - Espiritu Santo Bay - Calhoun County, Texas

Published Aug. 20, 2020
Expiration date: 9/21/2020

Full Public Notice          Project Plans

PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The applicant proposes to perform hydraulic dredging to a uniform depth of -10 feet mean low water removing a total of 381,327 cubic yards of material starting at the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW), through Espiritu Santo Bay, and terminating at the Matagorda Island boat dock within the USFWS Aransas National Wildlife Refuge.  The hydraulic dredging will be performed in phases. 

In Phase 1, the applicant proposes to start at the confluence of the GIWW at a point (28.409214° North; 096.479264° West) to dredge a channel, 3,715 linear feet by 125-feet-wide, into Espiritu Santo Bay.  The applicant also proposes to start at the Matagorda Island boat dock within the USFWS Aransas National Wildlife Refuge at a point (28.332152° North; 096.463007° West) to dredge a channel 835 linear feet by 272-feet-wide which will then narrow to 100-feet-wide at the entry to Matagorda Island.  The Phase 1 hydraulic dredging will remove a total of 113,560 cubic yards of material.  A total of 65,382 cubic yards of material will be pumped by pipe equally into the Eastern and Western USACE dredged material placement areas (DMPAs) also known as Dewberry and Blackberry Islands which are located adjacent to the GIWW.  A total of 48,178 cubic yards will be pumped by pipe into the upland DMPA located on Matagorda Island, authorized by SWG-1998-01075, formerly D-9406. 

In Phase 2, the applicant proposes to start at terminus of Phase 1 dredging limits to dredge a channel, 27,459 linear feet by 125-feet-wide, within Espiritu Santo Bay.  The Phase 2 hydraulic dredging will remove a total of 267,767 cubic yards of material.  This dredged material will be pumped by pipe into the upland DMPA located on Matagorda Island, authorized by SWG-1998-01075, formerly D-9406.