Public Notice Project Plans
PROJECT DESCRIPTION: Following a compliance investigation initiated by the Corps, the applicant has requested the following:
a. To retain minor variations in dock and berthing area design versus construction including:
• T-heads added at end of shoreline revetment (Page 16 of 21).
• Change in revetment configuration; flattening of revetment curvature was resolved with property acquisition (Page 18 of 21).
• Six protection piles were permitted abutting the dock platform; only four were constructed (Page 18 of 21).
b. To consolidate the following permits: DA #10446, #10446(01), DA #21826, #21826(01, 02, 03, 04), LOP SWG-2000-02956, and SWG-2000-02956 that was transferred from Oiltanking Beaumont Partners to Enterprise (February 4, 2016).
c. To construct 555 cubic yards of concrete revetment mat bank stabilization in 0.0267 acres of palustrine emergent wetlands adjacent to Barge Dock A.
d. To perform maintenance dredging on all barge and ship docks located at the BMW Terminal for 10 years.
e. To dispose of dredged material from all docks to DMPAs: 8, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 15A, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, or 27A. (Page 8 of 21).
f. To revise the wetland mitigation plan associated with permit SWG-2000-02956 to address construction discrepancies, which include an increase of mitigation planting acres from 24.6 to 42 acres, a decrease in the number of transplants from ~119,000 to ~67,000, changes to species selection, changes in herbicide application frequency, changes to monitoring frequency, changes to success criteria due to rapid colonization of desirable species.