US Army Corps of Engineers
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SWG-1998-01818 - The Port of Houston Authority - Galveston Bay - Harris County, Texas

Published Nov. 10, 2020
Expiration date: 12/21/2020

Public Notice          Project Plans          TCEQ Letter          General Conformity Determination Letter          Final Draft General Conformity Review

PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The Port of Houston Authority proposes to modify the previously authorized permit and requests an extension of time to complete previously authorized work.  Specifically, the following is proposed:

•To perform maintenance dredging previously authorized depths for a period of 10 years
Previously authorized work that has not been performed yet:
•To mechanically and/or hydraulically dredge the berths at dock 1 to a depth of -49-feet mean low tide (MLT) (-50.5-feet (MLLW))
•To mechanically and/or hydraulically dredge the berths at dock 7 to a depth of -49-feet mean low tide (MLT) (-50.5-feet (MLLW))

New proposed work:
New Dredge area proposed, depicted on revised drawings, Sheet 7 and Sheet 9 of 30.  Below are the details of the dredge area:

•To mechanically and/or hydraulically dredge a 1.3-acre extension to the west of the dock 7 berth to a depth of -49-feet (MLT) (-50.5-feet (MLLW)).
•To remove 20,000 cubic yards of dredged material from the 1.3 acres; to remove 5,000 cubic yards per annum of maintenance dredged material; and to place dredged material within DMPAs included in the drawing on sheets 24 and/or 30.

The following items are the proposed modifications to the language of the permit:

1. Remove Special Condition #22 to eliminate the requirement for the use of turbidity curtains.
2. Revise Special Condition #5 and Mitigation Condition #27 to remove the emission limitation and replace with general conformity determination.
3. Revise Special Conditions #6 and #12, and Mitigation Condition #6 which will allow more flexibility in how future available material will be beneficially used within the Bay.
4. Revise Mitigation Condition #10 to remove the word "uranium" and replace it with the word "iron".
5. Remove Mitigation Condition #22 to eliminate the permanent designated leaking container station areas.
6. Remove the voluntary eastern flush pond and replace it with the additional best management practices located in Exhibit 2.
7. Replace Sheet 2 to demonstrate the updated changes in operations and planning at the Terminal.
8. Remove Mitigation Condition #17 to eliminate the construction of Cruise Road.

The applicant’s revised plans are enclosed in 30 sheets.  The following sheets have been updated:

•Sheets 1 through 5 were added with updated construction information
•Sheets 7 and 18 were deleted


•Sheet 3 – Terminal Acreage
•Sheet 7 - Bayport Terminal Site Plan
•Sheet 9 – Berth Footprint Plan View and Cross Section
•Figure 8 (sheet 10) – Auto Terminal Dredge Cross Section
•Figure 9 (sheet 11) – Container Terminal Cross Section
•Figure 11 (sheet 13) – Auto Terminal Cross Section
•Figure 13 (sheet 14) – Railroad Corridor -Berm Cross Section
•Figure 14 (sheet 16) – Berm Detention Pond Cross Section
•Figures 18 – 22 (sheets 20 through 23) – replaced wetland information with updated construction information and wetlands
•Sheet 24 – previously authorized placement areas
•Addition of Figure 30 – Placement Area at Business Park 1