Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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SWG-2012-00153 - Grand Parkway Infrastructure, LLC - various waterways - Chambers, Harris, Liberty, and Montgomery Counties, Texas

Published Dec. 15, 2020
Expiration date: 1/19/2021
PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The applicant is proposing to modify the currently authorized Department of the Army (DA) Permit SWG-2012-00153.   The modifications will include:
1) Church House Gully (Stream 5):  The design for this crossing has been modified from being straightened to facilitate drainage to adding a culvert crossing at  Station 1355+00.  Box culverts will be added under the Westbound Frontage Road (WBFR), Mainlanes (ML), and Eastbound Frontage Road (EBFR).  Stream 5 will be straightened 427 linear feet where the culverts are proposed.  In addition, a new driveway has been proposed along the WBFR at Station 1354+00 to maintain access for this landowner.
2) Hackberry Gully (FM 565 Drainage Improvements – Ditch 1):  Ditch 1 is palustrine emergent wetland (PEM).  This design modification consists of widening and enlarging the existing drainage ditch along FM 565 at the northeast corner of FM 565 and SH 99.  The drainage ditch would outfall into Ditch 1 (Hackberry Gully).  In addition, the existing access off FM 565 will be improved in order to maintain access to the adjacent property.  The improvement will include an extension of the existing driveway over the future drainage channel.
3) Future Langston Boulevard Drainage Easement (Wetland 1, Wetland 2, and Wetland 5):  A drainage analysis was completed for the project and it was determined that additional drainage would be required for the project.  The future Langston Boulevard drainage easement consists of a 0.7-acre drainage easement.  The drainage easement would be aligned parallel to the City of Mont Belvieu’s proposed Langston Boulevard.  The drainage easement would outfall into Wetland 5 (Hackberry Gully).
The below table summarize the proposed modified impacts:
Table 1:  Summary of Fill Material
Feature Name Area (acres) Cubic Yards (CY) of fill Length (linear feet (LF))
Wetland 1 0.019 30.65 NA
Wetland 2 0.391 630.81 NA
Wetland 5 0.18 290.40 NA
Ditch 1 0.043 69.37 NA
Stream 5 0.020 31.63 427
TOTAL: 0.653 1052.87 427 LF