Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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How to Send Comment on Other Galveston District Public Notices: Please follow the instructions included with the public notice. For Galveston District Planning and Environmental Documents for public review, please click here.

SWG-2003-00921 - Laguna Harbor, LLC - Gulf Intracoastal Waterway - Galveston County, Texas

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Galveston
Published April 1, 2021
Expiration date: 5/3/2021

Full Public Notice          Project Plans

REVISED PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The applicant proposes to amend a previously authorized project to construct two 150-foot breakwaters along the western entrance of the project site and two 50- to 75-foot breakwaters along the eastern entrance to the project site.  The proposed construction activities include the installation of steel sheet pilings/walers in open water with concrete riprap for toe protections.  Any gaps between the land/water interface will be filled with submerged riprap per request from Texas Parks and Wildlife (TPWD).  The applicant also proposes to plant Spartina alterniflora behind the proposed breakwaters (previously planned to place 0.36 acres of fill on the tidal flats and open water areas adjacent to the west entrance canal and adjacent to the GIWW which has now been removed from the project scope).

After construction of the breakwaters, the applicant proposes to mechanically dredge via land and barge (previously hydraulic and mechanical) the marina area to -10 feet Mean Low Tide (MLT) and remove approximately 29,667 (previously 50,000) cubic yards of material.  The applicant proposes to place this material on adjacent upland sites surrounded by earthen berms and reinforced fabric silt fences with a 20-foot vegetation buffer until the dredge dries and can be spread within the placement area (previously planned to dispose onsite and offsite disposal areas).  The material will be seeded once dry. 

The applicant also proposes to install a new, 136-slip, transient marina facility which will include a community building with a restroom, laundry, shower facilities, walkways and finger piers, fuel dock, onsite security, dockside utilities, and protected water basin for transient boaters.  This project will establish a waypoint destination along the GIWW for the purpose of increasing transient boat traffic to the Bolivar Peninsula.

The applicant will also relocate oysters from the existing rock riprap area where the breakwater extensions are to be constructed and has applied for and received a TPWD Aquatic Introduction Permit (AIP).

The changes made to the project scope were in response to comments from a prior public notice issued 24 March 2020 and are designed to reduce environmental impacts.  The applicant’s plans are enclosed in 33 sheets.