Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

Click here to view USACE Galveston District Planning and Environmental documents for public review.

Viewing & Comments

Viewing Notices: To view a full public notice or its associated drawings file (if any), click on either full public notice or permit drawings link in the attachments section. To download the file to your computer, right-click on the public notice or drawings link, then select "Save Target As" from the menu.

How to Send Comments on Regulatory Division Public Notices: Send comments to the Regulatory Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District, 2000 Fort Point Road, Galveston, Texas 77550 or by electronic mail to our Public Notice Comment Email. Comments made in reference to a public notice should include your name, address, phone number and the Department of the Army permit number referenced in the public notice (e.g. SWG-2015-00001).  

How to Send Comment on Other Galveston District Public Notices: Please follow the instructions included with the public notice. For Galveston District Planning and Environmental Documents for public review, please click here.

SWG-2022-00333 - Texas Department of Transportation - wetlands and streams - Montgomery County, Texas

USACE Galveston District
Published June 28, 2022
Expiration date: 7/29/2022

Public Notice          Project Plans         Alternative Analysis          Mitigation Plan

The applicant proposes to permanently discharge approximately 2,292-cubic-yards of fill material into approximately 1.46-acres of aquatic resources, including approximately 0.083-acre of palustrine emergent wetlands (PEM), 0.28-acre of palustrine scrub shrub wetlands (PSS), 0.34-acre of palustrine forested wetlands (PFO), 299-linear-feet (0.05-acre) of ephemeral streams, 334-linear-feet (0.04-acre) of intermittent streams, and 75-linear-feet (<0.01-acre) of perennial streams, throughout 9 independent single, and complete crossings associated with the widening of approximately 4.5-miles of State Highway (SH) 105.  Such activities include widening the project corridor to a four-lane facility with two 12-foot-wide travel lanes in each direction, a 16-foot-wide continuous two-way turn lane, a 6-foot-wide sidewalk along the north and south sides of SH 105, and a 15-foot outside shared use lane with bicycle accommodations provided along the north and south sides of SH 105.  Temporary impacts would occur to approximately 125-linear-feet of streams (<0.03-acre) associated with existing bridge column removal.