Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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SWG-2024-00766 - U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Gulf Intracoastal Waterway - Jefferson County, Texas

USACE Galveston District
Published Dec. 10, 2024
Expiration date: 1/13/2025

Public Notice         Project Plans

The applicant proposes work associated with construction of a siphon system to connect Big Reservoir to Star Lake, restoring freshwater flow to the southern portion of the Salt Bayou watershed.  The project includes permanent impacts to 0.1-acre of the GIWW to construct an upstream siphon control structure.  The project would also include permanent impacts to 0.007-acre of tidal wetlands and 3.8 acres of non-tidal wetlands to install sheet pile, filter fabric, cement, fill material, and articulated concrete block mats (ACBM) for the construction of siphon structures and a water conveyance ditch discharging into Star Lake to the south.  Temporary impacts include 2.9 acres of impacts to non-tidal wetlands for staging and access.

The system would consist of four 36-inch-diameter high density polyethylene pipes totaling 850 linear feet directionally drilled under the GIWW at a minimum depth of 20 feet.  The upstream siphon structure would consist of a ditch measuring 87-foot-long and 36-foot-wide lined with articulated concrete block mats with filter fabric feeding into the siphon openings.  Sheet pile would stabilize the southern edge of this structure, with gaps around the four siphon openings.  Each opening would be reinforced with 6-inch by 6-inch posts and fill material.

A 2,600-foot-long conveyance ditch would be created to connect the siphon outlet to an outfall discharging into Star Lake.  The northern edge of the structure would be lined with 65 feet of sheet pile, with gaps around the four siphon openings backfilled and reinforced with 6-inch by 6-inch posts.  An existing 72-inch-diameter corrugated metal pipe discharge structure would be removed from the north side of the GIWW and replaced with two 60-inch-diameter pipes with an overflow weir at the upstream intake and flap gates on the discharge area into the GIWW.  A 10-foot-wide and 73-foot-long articulated concrete block mat with filter fabric slab would be placed directly downstream of the siphon discharge points to prevent scouring.  The water distribution ditch would be tied into this slab.