Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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SWG-2007-00085 - Pintail Alley - Cameron Parish

Published May 7, 2013
Expiration date: 5/21/2013

Full Public Notice    Project Plans


PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant proposes to conduct work associated with the restoration of a brackish marsh along Starks Bayou.  The work will be conducted in 5 parts.


Part 1.  The discharge of fill material into 8.94 acres of marsh/open water complex during the construction of an approximate 13,000-foot-long levee along the south boundary of the property, including three 36-inch culverts, with flaps to be locked open most of the time.  This will restore the historic hydrology of this property to the condition prior to the construction of the North Line Canal, Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and Sabine Ship Channel and the dredging of the right prong of Black Bayou. 


Part 2.  The discharge of fill material into 0.23 acre of marsh/open water complex during the construction of a levee, and the replacement of the existing plug that was built when the right prong of Black Bayou (Burton Ditch) was dredged for oil exploration in 1977.  This prong was previously plugged completely.  The plugging caused sedimentation and resultant stagnation of the waterbody.  This work involves rebuilding a new 350-foot-long plug, and installing a 48-inch culvert with flaps.  These flaps are to be locked open most of the year.  The work proposed in Part 1 and 2 will reduce the tidal energy that is causing erosion of existing ponds. 


Part 3.  The discharge of fill material into 0.57 acre of marsh/open water complex during the repair of an existing levee measuring 1,252 feet on the far east side of the property.  This levee was constructed when the adjacent pipeline was constructed prior to 1977.  A 0.23-acre borrow area would be north of the existing levee in waters of the U.S.  The borrow area would be above the mean high tide line.  All levees will be constructed less than 3 feet NAVD88 elevation and will be vegetated with native grass within one full growing season.


Part 4.  The excavation of open waters of the U.S. to obtain material to be discharged into 9.48 acres of open water/marsh complex during the construction of 13,764 linear feet of terrace levees.  The terrace levees will be constructed to reduce wave action in open water areas, reduce erosion of existing emergent vegetation along shorelines, and create suitable conditions for submerged aquatic vegetation.  These terraces will be planted with cord grass plugs every 5 feet on both sides, monitored, and replanted if necessary until completely vegetated.  All terraces will be less than 3 feet NAVD88 elevation.  The benefits of these terraces exceed any potential impacts of this project.  Additionally, the work will restore a more natural hydrology on nearly 1,600 acres of coastal marsh.


Part 5.  The excavation of 2.86 acres of open waters of the U.S. during the clean-out (removal of 8,315 cubic yards of material) of existing road ditches.  The dredged materials will be placed on existing road bed not to impact wetlands.  The road bed will be completely vegetated within one growing season.