Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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Viewing Notices: To view a full public notice or its associated drawings file (if any), click on either full public notice or permit drawings link in the attachments section. To download the file to your computer, right-click on the public notice or drawings link, then select "Save Target As" from the menu.

How to Send Comments on Regulatory Division Public Notices: Send comments to the Regulatory Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District, P.O. Box 1229, Galveston, Texas 77553-1229 or by electronic mail to our Public Notice Comment Email. Comments made in reference to a public notice should include your name, address, phone number and the Department of the Army permit number referenced in the public notice (e.g. SWG-2015-00001).  

How to Send Comment on Other Galveston District Public Notices: Please follow the instructions included with the public notice. For Galveston District Planning and Environmental Documents for public review, please click here.

SWG-2007-01637 - Corpus Christi Liquefaction LLC/Cheniere Corpus Christi Pipeline LP

Published May 29, 2013
Expiration date: 6/28/2013

Full Public Notice    Project Plans     Mitigation Plan

PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The applicant proposes to amend their existing permit to construct an LNG export facility in lieu of the currently authorized import facility.  The facility would consist of a dual LNG vessel berth with associated docks, and a construction dock for loading/offloading.  Approximately 4.8 million cubic yards of sand/clay material would be dredged by hydraulic and mechanical means for construction of the facility.  Dredged material would be placed in one of two nearby upland confined dredged material placement areas (DMPAs).  Permanent total impacts for the revised project would be 27.45 acres, which include 9.17 acres of seagrass, 6.72 acres of black mangrove, 5.91 acres of smooth cordgrass, 0.99 acres of vegetated tidal flats, and 2.76 acres of non-vegetated tidal flats, from filling, dredging, a pipeline, and overwater structures.  This is an additional 12.67 acres of permanent jurisdictional impacts over what was authorized for the original project design.  A 23-mile-long 48-inch-diameter pipeline to convey natural gas to the facility would also be constructed.  This portion of the project is unchanged from the original authorization.  Less than 0.01 acre of wetlands will be permanently impacted by construction of the pipeline.  There would be no temporary loss of wetlands due to pipeline construction.  No wetlands would be converted from one type to another wetland type.  All water bodies within the pipeline route would be crossed with open-cut or bore method and would be restored to pre-construction status.