Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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How to Send Comment on Other Galveston District Public Notices: Please follow the instructions included with the public notice. For Galveston District Planning and Environmental Documents for public review, please click here.

SWG-2001-00996 - Port of Corpus Christi Authority - Nueces County

Published Dec. 31, 2013
Expiration date: 2/3/2014

Full Public Notice     Project Plans

PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The applicant proposes to amend the depth of an existing project from -16 feet mean low tide (MLT) (-12 feet plus 2-foot advanced maintenance plus 2-foot allowable overdepth) to -18 feet MLT (-16 feet plus 2-foot advanced maintenance plus 2-foot allowable overdepth.  The new project depth would increase the +/-16.9-acre existing project area by 2.15 acres and increase the current 286,537 cubic yard projected dredged material volume by approximately 74,935 cubic yards.  In addition, the currently authorized barge fleeting/mooring area would be enlarged by an approximate 17.02 acres for a total of +/- 36.07 acres of area to dredged and/or excavated by mechanical and/or hydraulic methods, and the entire area dredged to -18 feet MLT as above.  Dredged material volume of the enlarged area would be approximately 352,832 cubic yards.  The total amount of dredged material for the amended project would be 714,304 cubic yards, which would be hydraulically dredged and/or mechanically excavated and placed within the following POCCA-owned dredged material placement areas (DMPAs):  Suntide and/or Tule Lake, and/or Southshore Cell C and/or Cell B.  The mooring area side-slopes would be typically constructed at a 2:1 slope with a typical emergent top ranging from +/-3 feet to +/-8 feet MLT.  Dredging/excavation of proposed enlarged facility would remove an approximate +/-1.43 acre of wetland area that cannot be avoided.  The amendment includes bollard mooring and spud barge mooring alternatives in addition to the previously authorized pipe-pile structures.  Each three pipe-pile mooring and breasting structure, if selected, would cover an estimated 6.6 square feet of deep water dredged bottom and 40 structures may be installed, covering 262 square feet of jurisdictional space.  Shoreline and side-slope stabilization (revetment) of the enlarged mooring facility is also requested.  Revetment (riprap and/or articulated concrete block mat) is to be installed on the side slopes of the enlarged area following side-slope shaping during excavation/dredging.  The revetment surface area below annual high tide is an estimated 3.4 acres and the estimated cubic yard volume of revetment installed below annual high tide varies from +/-4,111 cubic yards to 16,444 cubic yards for the mat and riprap, respectively.

The Full Public Notice document has been amended to include a mitigation statement, which was previously, inadvertently excluded.  This amendment took place on 3 January 2014.