Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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Viewing Notices: To view a full public notice or its associated drawings file (if any), click on either full public notice or permit drawings link in the attachments section. To download the file to your computer, right-click on the public notice or drawings link, then select "Save Target As" from the menu.

How to Send Comments on Regulatory Division Public Notices: Send comments to the Regulatory Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District, P.O. Box 1229, Galveston, Texas 77553-1229 or by electronic mail to our Public Notice Comment Email. Comments made in reference to a public notice should include your name, address, phone number and the Department of the Army permit number referenced in the public notice (e.g. SWG-2015-00001).  

How to Send Comment on Other Galveston District Public Notices: Please follow the instructions included with the public notice. For Galveston District Planning and Environmental Documents for public review, please click here.

SWG-2013-00841 - Jefferson County Engineering Department - Jefferson County

Published Feb. 25, 2014
Expiration date: 3/27/2014

Full Public Notice    Project Plans

The applicant proposes to discharge 11,645 cubic yards of riprap and 80 cubic yards of clean backfill dirt to construct a structure that is 310-foot-long by 156-foot-wide at the base, covering 1.11 acres of channel bottom, and 13-foot-tall for the purpose of reducing the cross section of the Keith Lake Fish Pass.  This structure is designed to reduce the velocity of the water through the pass and decrease the salinity within Keith Lake.  To construct the structure, approximately 9,000 cubic yards of clay will be excavated from the pass and placed in the same upland dredged material placement area utilized when the pass was originally constructed.  To access the pass with construction and excavation equipment, two temporary board roads will need to be constructed on either side of the pass.  The road on the north side will be 25-foot-wide, 1,000-foot-long built on top of the placement area levee to avoid wetlands and terminating in a 0.80-acre equipment work area.  The access road on the south side will be 25-foot-wide, 1,500-foot-long also terminating in a 0.80-acre equipment work area.  A portion of this road, approximately 1,050 linear feet, is proposed to cross wetlands (0.60 acre).  Both of the equipment work areas are in wetlands adjacent to the pass.  The roads and work areas will temporarily impact approximately 2.25 acres of wetlands.  These structures will be removed upon completion of construction which is estimated to take six months.  The total proposed permanent impact of this project is 1.11 acres.