Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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SWG-2010-00337 - Kansas City Southern Railway Company - Jefferson County

Published July 1, 2014
Expiration date: 8/1/2014

Full Public Notice    Project Plans

The applicant proposes discharge 15,000 cubic yards of fill material (native material-clay loam) into 2.466 acres (2.464 acres of palustrine forested wetland and 0.002 of palustrine emergent wetlands) of jurisdictional waters during the expansion of their facility by constructing approximately 2,515.43 linear feet of new railroad track on Loop Track #1, and construction of approximately 3,238.45 linear feet of new railroad track on Loop Track #2.  As a part of the proposed project, an approximate 2,400-linear-foot, 13-foot wide-access road would be constructed inside of the new loop track.

The expansions would interconnect with the existing loop track lead at the south end of the project via five (5) new turnouts and two (2) new crossovers all within the footprint of the existing rail bed or the proposed rail bed.  At the north end of the project, the new loop track would interconnect directly with the existing loop tracks without the use of turnouts or crossovers.  The proposed alignment would be cleared and grubbed of all vegetation prior to construction.  The elevation of the rail bed and access road would be via cut and fill operations, producing an approximate 10-foot-wide ditch along the inside of the new access road.  For the construction of the loop tracks, the cut material would be placed in the alignment.  The new railroad tracks would be constructed on top of the new fill material using typical rail construction consisting of approximately 12 inches of subballast, approximately 10 inches of ballast, steel ties, and the new rails. 

A new ditch would parallel the inside of the proposed access road.  At the south end, the ditch would parallel an existing concrete access road.  This ditch would terminate in an existing drainage retention pond.  The flow would enter the pond through two (2) new 30-inch x 98-foot corrugated metal pipes (CMPs) underneath the existing loop track.  This ditch would interconnect with the existing drainage retention pond via two (2) new 30-inch x 72-foot CMPs placed underneath the existing concrete access road.  At the north end of the project, the new ditch would interconnect with an existing drainage retention pond via two (2) new 30-inch x 92-foot CMPs underneath the existing loop track.

Relocation of approximately 1,244 linear feet of Taft Avenue would be required as a part of this project to accommodate the construction.  The relocated Taft Avenue roadbed would also be constructed through cut-fill operations resulting in roadside ditches along either side of the new roadbed.  New culverts would be placed underneath the relocated portion of Taft Avenue at the juncture of the relocated portion of Taft Avenue and the existing roadbed.  At the northwest juncture, two (2) new 24-inch x 118-foot steel pipes would be placed under the relocated portion of the Taft Avenue.  At southeast juncture, two (2) 24-inch x 104-foot steel pipes would be placed under the relocated portion of Taft Avenue. 

The proposed project would also include the incorporation of the pumps and piping along with tankage as needed to take the crude oil products to the PabTex existing dock site for barge and future ship loading.  The existing pet coke system would continue to perform the same operations with no modifications to the dock. 

The purpose of the proposed project is to increase the efficiency of managing trains that presently unload pet coke products for export at the facility. The proposed facility improvements would also provide the capabilities to handle crude oil products via unit train deliveries.