Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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SWG-2001-02267 - The Law Office of Jerome Karam - Galveston County

Published Oct. 30, 2014
Expiration date: 12/1/2014

Full Public Notice    Project Plans    Mitigation Plans    Alternative Analysis

The applicant proposes to place fill material into 0.7 acre of wetlands for lot development, a turnaround area, road widening and culverts.  The applicant also proposes to horizontal directional drill (HDD) a tidal area adjacent to Eckert Bayou and HDD across Eckert Bayou, during the installation of a sewer line.  This work is associated with the previously authorized Department of the Army (DA) Permit SWG-2001-02267 as described in the background section.  The applicant proposed to add additional fill and will maintain approved elements of the previously authorized project.


•     0.33 acre of wetlands for the development of home pads and lots. 

•     0.05 acre of wetlands during the construction of a concrete turnaround.  The City of Galveston requires either two entrances to a subdivision or a turnaround sufficient for emergency and service vehicles.  The previously authorized turnaround is insufficient so with no other practical solution, the applicant proposes to construct a 72-foot diameter turnaround at the end of the Road Less Traveled, placing approximately 60 cubic yards of clean fill capped with a 6-inch concrete pavement with a border of crushed concrete riprap erosion protection.

•     0.01 acre of waters of the U.S., including tidal wetlands during the installation of a 16-foot-wide road over a tidal inlet.  This includes the replacement of an 18-inch culvert with two 20-foot-long, 18-inch culverts on a bed of crushed gravel, with a treated timber retaining walls on either side of the road.  Approximately 18 cubic yards of crushed concrete will be backfilled over the culverts and behind the bulkheads.  The double culverts will increase the tidal exchange between Eckert Bayou and an unnamed tidal pond adjacent to the applicant’s property.

•     To prevent erosion of the emergent wetlands, the original project authorized the use of three layers of hand-placed concrete sacks that would impact 0.07 acre of shallow water habitat.  The applicant proposes to use a pre-fabricated, interlocking, three-tiered concrete block system with open spaces that allow colonization by marsh grasses and oysters.  The proposed tiered shore protection system has the same footprint as the original system but will allow wetland vegetation and oysters to grow while it protects the emergent marsh behind the shore protection system from erosion.  This change in materials does not increase the footprint of the shore protection system from the original authorization or impact to aquatic resources.



•     HDD a 1,102-linear-foot section of Eckert Bayou for a 4-inch diameter sewer line.  The entire length of the HDD is 1,187 linear feet from entry to exit bore locations, located in uplands.  All HDD equipment and staging will occur in uplands and any mud generated from the HDD will be collected by vacuum truck and hauled off to an upland disposal location.