Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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How to Send Comment on Other Galveston District Public Notices: Please follow the instructions included with the public notice. For Galveston District Planning and Environmental Documents for public review, please click here.

SWG-2015-00063 - City of Shoreacres - Harris County

Published March 17, 2015
Expiration date: 4/16/2015

Full Public Notice          Project Plans

PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The applicant proposes to restore approximately 2,885 linear feet of shoreline.  The project would include the construction of a temporary barge access channel, the removal of existing concrete riprap, the construction of stone riprap revetments, beach establishment, and the construction of two super-step structures.

 •     The barge access channel would be dredged using a “barge-mounted grab dredge.”  The channel would be 800 linear feet long, 100 feet wide, and 3 feet deep.  The dredge material would be side cast on the adjacent seabed, and would be replaced following completion of the project.  The barge access channel would be needed to transport rock riprap and construction equipment.

 •     The removal of the existing concrete riprap would be conducted by using an excavator and other equipment. The excavated material (existing riprap) would be placed in dump trucks and would be taken offsite for disposal or recycling.  The existing riprap, to be excavated extends approximately 35-65 feet from the landward edge of the existing riprap into Galveston Bay.  The total volume of material to be excavated from the shoreline would total approximately 40,505 cubic yards.

 •     The construction of stone riprap revetments would include the placement of geotextile fabrics which would be anchored with a 2-foot to 6-inch base layer of bedding stone followed by a 5-foot layer of armor stone.  The thickness of the revetment would average 7.5 feet along the slope of the shoreline and would extend seaward approximately 35-65 feet from the landward edge.  This would involve the discharge of approximately 11,000 cubic yards of bedding stone and 28,500 cubic yards or armor stone beneath the High Tide Line of Galveston Bay.

 •     The beach establishment would involve replacing 250 linear feet of existing concrete riprap with sand fill instead of stone riprap revetment.  The depth of the sand fill would average 4 feet along the slope of the shoreline and would extend seaward for approximately 60 to 65 feet.  This would involve discharging approximately 2,500 cubic yards of sand beneath the High Tide Line of Galveston Bay.

 •             The two super-step structures would be cast in place from concrete over the bedding stone layer.  The super-step structures would extend seaward approximately 20 to 24 feet.  The northern super structure would be approximately 32 feet wide and the southern one would be approximately 52 feet wide.  The construction of the super steps would result in a discharge of approximately 600 cubic yards of concrete within the High Tide Line of Galveston Bay.