Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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How to Send Comment on Other Galveston District Public Notices: Please follow the instructions included with the public notice. For Galveston District Planning and Environmental Documents for public review, please click here.

SWG-2004-02118 - Golden Pass Products LLC and Golden Pass Pipeline LLC - Jefferson County

Published May 3, 2016
Expiration date: 6/3/2016

Full Public Notice     Project Plans      Mitigation Plan

The applicants, Golden Pass Products and Golden Pass Pipeline (referred to herein as GPX), propose to expand their existing Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) Import Terminal site, to construct a Liquefied Natural Gas Liquefaction Export Facility.  The terminal expansion is proposed to include construction of three liquefaction trains and attendant features, to include construction staging areas and a supply dock, referred to as a Materials Offloading Facility (MOF), and pipeline compressor stations.  GPX proposes to use their existing pipeline to transport materials to the site, and proposes to install compressor stations to facilitate transport of materials to the Export Terminal site.

Jurisdictional impacts associated with the proposed project are as follows: 

Summary of Wetland and Waterbody Impacts


Habitat Description (Classification)

Temporary Impacts (Acres)

Permanently Impacts (Acres)


Estuarine, Subtidal, Unconsolidated Bottom (E1UB)






Terminal and attendant features

Palustrine, Emergent, Wetland (PEM)



Palustrine, Forested, Wetland (PFO)



Palustrine, Scrub-Shrub, Wetland (PSS)



Estuarine, Subtidal, Unconsolidated Bottom (E1UB)



Estuarine, Intertidal, Emergent Wetland (E2EM)






Mile Post 1 Compressor Station

Palustrine, Emergent, Wetland (PEM)






Mile Post 33 Compressor Station

Palustrine, Emergent, Wetland (PEM)



Palustrine, Forested, Wetland (PFO)







Approximately 2.3 million cubic yards (cy) of maintenance material is proposed to be dredged from the existing ship slip, in the first dredging cycle, to return it to its authorized depth of -45 feet below mean low tide (MLT), plus 2-foot advanced maintenance, plus 2-foot overdredge.  Approximately 1.5 million cy of material is proposed to be used in the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department’s J. D. Murphree Wildlife Management Area (JDMWMA) for marsh restoration activities associated with the Compensatory Mitigation Plan.  The rest of the material would be placed into the previously authorized Dredge Material Placement Areas (DMPAs) 5, 8, 9, and 11.  Under their current ship slip maintenance dredging permit, GPX is authorized to remove a maximum of 900,000 cy of maintenance dredge material per year, with placement into DMPAs 5, 8, 9, and/or 11, depending on capacity and availability.

GPX proposes to dredge 455,450 cy of new work material to construct the MOF, access channel, and temporary float channels.  Material is expected to consist of primarily clays, with some intermixed layers of sandy clays and silts.  As such, this material is not suitable for beneficial use (BU) in the JDMWMA.  Therefore, it is proposed to be placed into DMPAs 8 and/or 9, depending on capacity and availability.

GPX proposes to dredge a maximum of 45,000 cy of maintenance material annually, from the MOF and access channels, after initial construction.  This material is also proposed to be placed into DMPAs 8 and/or 9.  The float channels will not be maintained, and will be allowed to return to pre-construction contours naturally.