Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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SWG-2015-00603 - Brazoria County Engineering Department - Brazoria County

Published Aug. 16, 2016
Expiration date: 9/16/2016

Full Public Notice          Project Plans

PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The applicant proposes to initially hydraulically dredge approximately 123,000 cubic yards of material from the existing channel of the San Bernard River, and perform maintenance dredging every two years thereafter for the life of the permit.  The purpose of this project is to restore the mouth of the San Bernard River to the original channel as restored by the Corps in 2009.  The total dredge footprint is estimated to be 30.1 acres, 21.6 acres of which are channel bottom, and 8.5 acres of side slopes of the San Bernard River.

The applicant proposes to beneficially use suitable dredged material to restore marsh habitat adjacent to the GIWW.  Sandy dredged material not suitable for marsh restoration would be placed into an approximate 17.6-acre surf zone placement area within the GOM.  The two primary areas for marsh restoration, Restoration Areas 1 and 2, are located in Cedar Lakes within the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge and total 133.32 acres.  These areas would be divided into multiple cells in which suitable material would be placed in phases, one cell at a time, as dredged material becomes available.  These areas would be planted with smooth cordgrass approximately 60 days post dredged material placement.

Once Restoration Areas 1 and 2 have been completed, the applicant proposes to use additional suitable dredged material to restore approximately 69.86 acres of marsh in an area north of the GIWW (Restoration Area 3).  This would be accomplished by rebuilding the levee along the northern bank of the GIWW.  Sheet piling would be placed along the north bank of the GIWW and would not extend into the channel.  Suitable sandy dredged material would be used to fill a geotube, to be placed along the inland side of the sheet piling to create increased stability along the channel.  Construction of the levee would restrict the amount of water flowing from the GIWW into Restoration Area 3, allowing sediment to deposit naturally, which is expected to initiate a transition to marsh habitat.  Suitable dredged material would be placed into this area if it is determined that Restoration Area 3 is in need of additional material.

During maintenance dredging in subsequent years, the restored areas would be assessed for potential placement of suitable dredged material.  If dredged material is not needed in these areas in subsequent years, the applicant would re-coordinate with the San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge to identify other habitats in need of suitable material for restoration and seek Corps approval.  Any remaining dredged material unsuitable for restoration or beach nourishment would be placed in existing authorized placement areas 92, 2, or 90.