Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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SWG-2013-00042 - Texas City Terminal Railway Company - Galveston County

Published Sept. 1, 2016
Expiration date: 10/3/2016

 Full Public Notice     Project Plans

PROJECT DESCRIPTION:  The applicant proposes to amend the existing dredging permit by adding the following components: installation of rip-rap and granular fill into wetlands and waters of the United States (U.S.).  The total impacts to waters of the U.S. is described in the table below:



Length (ft.)

Impacted Area

(sq. ft.)

Impacted Area (ac.)

Avg. Fill / Foot (cy/lf)

Fill Volume (cy.)

Fill Type

Area A



0.44 open water



Rip-Rap & Granular Fill & Steel

Area B



0.25 open water




Area C



0.54 open water

0.08 wetlands









BACKGROUND:  The prior authorizations held by the lessees of the Texas City Terminal Railway Company dba the Port of Texas City will not be combined into this authorization. The purpose of this proposed work is for the permittee to have authorization to dredge when funding and/or dredging cycles may limit the ability of the lessees to perform this work in a timely manner.  DA Permit SWG-2013-00042 was issued on 19 February 2015, and authorized the applicant to hydraulically and/or mechanically dredge docks located within the boundaries of the permittee’s facilities to previously authorized depths and perform maintenance dredging to previously authorized depths for a period of 10 years; to perform silt blade/water injection intermittent maintenance dredging to previously authorized depths at Dock Nos. 11, 12, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20, 22N, 22S, 40, 41, 45, 50, 51, 52, 54A, 54E, 56, 57, and 58; to place dredged material within Placement Areas 5, 6, and the Shoal Point Terminal Dredged Material Placement Area; to place intermittent silt blade/water injection dredged material into sediment basins at specific docks as previously authorized; to mechanically and/or hydraulically dredge Dock No. 38 to a depth of -42 feet mean low tide (MLT).  To mechanically dredge Dock No. 42 to a depth of -37 feet MLT and an area adjacent to the bulkhead, at a depth of -30 feet MLT; and to perform intermittent silt blade/water injection maintenance dredging to a depth of -12 feet MLT at Dock No. 59 and to a depth of       -42 feet MLT plus 1-foot overdepth at Dock No. 45 for a period of 10 years.


An amendment was issued on 13 June 2016, and authorized the applicant to perform maintenance dredging; by silt blade/water injection, hydraulic, and/or mechanical means as previously authorized to previously authorized depths, located within the boundaries of the permittee’s facilities for a period of 10 years.  The new work involved the following components:  to construct 1,193 linear feet of dock, including the maximum extent of mooring dolphins; to demolish existing structures over waters of the U.S. including various buildings, paved areas, and fencing; an existing 320-foot dock; three dry docks; and 920-linear-foot existing bulkhead; to excavate approximately 187,000 cubic yards from 2.2 acres of upland area and convert to open water for the expansion of the existing dredging area and depth; to install 45,000 square feet of articulated concrete mat in front of the bulkhead to prevent erosion along the bulkhead; to install 840 linear feet of steel sheet pile bulkhead along the proposed shoreline; to expand the previously authorized dredge area by 8.9 acres by hydraulically and/or mechanically dredging Dock No. 42/43 to a depth of -47 feet MLT and an area adjacent to the bulkhead at a depth of -30 feet MLT; and to place all dredged material within Placement Areas 5, 6, and the Shoal Point Terminal Dredged Material Placement Area including Cell C and Cell A.