Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

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How to Send Comment on Other Galveston District Public Notices: Please follow the instructions included with the public notice. For Galveston District Planning and Environmental Documents for public review, please click here.

SWG-1999-02541 - HMS 850 Holdings, LLC - Burnet Bay - Harris County, Texas

USACE Galveston District
Published May 16, 2023
Expiration date: 6/16/2023

Public Notice          Project Plans

The applicant proposes to modify Department of the Army (DA) Permit SWG-1999-02541 to add a 15.71-acre extension of the previously authorized 31.8-acre dredge footprint for the barge fleeting area, resulting in a total barge fleeting area footprint of approximately 47.51 acres.  The applicant is also requesting a 10-year maintenance dredging authorization to mechanically and/or hydraulically remove approximately 105,300 cubic yards of dredge material from the extended dredge footprint to a depth of -12 feet Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW), including the associated return effluent from previously authorized dredge material placement areas (DMPAs).  In addition, the applicant is requesting authorization to place the dredged material, and subsequent maintenance material, into the Burnet Bay Beneficial Use site (DA Permit SWG-2008-00127).  The material would be tested according to Table 1 of the Sediment Sampling and Report Requirements for Beneficial Use Sites that was approved by the Environmental Protection Agency, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, Corps, and the Port of Houston Authority in August 2020.

The applicant stated that the purpose of the proposed project is to expand the barge fleeting area to accommodate additional barges.