Planning and Environmental Documents for Public Review

Click here to view USACE Galveston District Planning and Environmental documents for public review.

Viewing & Comments

Viewing Notices: To view a full public notice or its associated drawings file (if any), click on either full public notice or permit drawings link in the attachments section. To download the file to your computer, right-click on the public notice or drawings link, then select "Save Target As" from the menu.

How to Send Comments on Regulatory Division Public Notices: Send comments to the Regulatory Division, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District, 2000 Fort Point Road, Galveston, Texas 77550 or by electronic mail to our Public Notice Comment Email. Comments made in reference to a public notice should include your name, address, phone number and the Department of the Army permit number referenced in the public notice (e.g. SWG-2015-00001).  

How to Send Comment on Other Galveston District Public Notices: Please follow the instructions included with the public notice. For Galveston District Planning and Environmental Documents for public review, please click here.

Archive: April, 2021
  • SWG-2016-00832 - LBC Houston, L.P. - Bayport Ship Channel - Harris County, Texas

    Expiration date: 4/21/2021

    The applicant requests an extension of time. Public Notice SWG-2016-00832 is ready to be posted; the files are on the S:Drive. The files are: (1) PN.201600832.pdf (5 pages) and (2) Plans.201600832.pdf (7 pages). Let me know if you have any problems. Thank you! SWG-2016-00832 - LBC Houston, L.P. - Bayport Ship Channel - Harris County, Texas The applicant requests an extension of time. Comments Due: 21 April 2021 PROJECT DESCRIPTION: The applicant requests an extension of time to conduct maintenance dredging activities to previously authorized depths for all docks at the LBC Houston, L.P. terminal (Ship Docks 1-5 and Barge Docks 1-5), until 31 December 2030. All maintenance dredge material is proposed to be placed within existing confined placement areas, as previously authorized. Maintenance dredging depths for Ship Docks 1 and 2 would be -41.57 feet Mean High Water (MHW), while maintenance dredging depths for Ship Docks 3, 4 and 5 would be -45.57 feet MHW +2-foot overdredge. The maintenance dredge depths for all of the LBC Barge Docks (1-5) would be -16 feet MHW. The applicant’s plans are enclosed in 7 sheets.
  • SWG-2003-00921 - Laguna Harbor, LLC - Gulf Intracoastal Waterway - Galveston County, Texas

    Expiration date: 5/3/2021

    The applicant proposes to amend a previously authorized project.