Galveston District Corps of Engineers identifies projects to benefit from additional funding

Published May 21, 2018

GALVESTON, Texas (May 21, 2018) -The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) announced today additional work that it will accomplish with funding provided in Public Law 115-123, the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, signed into law February 9, 2018.

The projects currently listed to receive funding for USACE Galveston District are Buffalo Bayou and Tributaries, Freeport Hurricane Protection Levee, Port Arthur & Vicinity, and Texas City Hurricane Flood Protection Levee.

"USACE Galveston is greatly encouraged by this announcement” said Gary Stangeland, Chief, Emergency Management with the Galveston District “These funds, when released, will enable us to focus on Harvey related damages that will help local flood control agencies work to make needed repairs to reduce flood risks."

Stangeland said the announcement means these funds will help local governments rehabilitate flood protection systems.  He said the non-federal sponsor must have agreed to participate within the Corp’s Rehabilitation and Inspection (RIP) Program prior to Hurricane Harvey.

There are two ways that a project can get into the RIP.  A non-federal sponsor can build a project and ask that it be entered into the RIP.  Another way is that over the years the Corps builds the flood-protection project. Then, it’s transferred to a local agency or “non-federal sponsor” who agrees to maintain it.  If a local sponsor’s project is damaged by an extraordinary event, this program funds rehabilitation costs.

Today’s announcement included a portion of the Buffalo Bayou and Tributaries Authorization. There, Stangeland said, the Harris County Flood Control District will benefit from funds to help restore, to pre-Harvey conditions, that portion of the Buffalo Bayou from State Highway 6 to Beltway 8.

The Texas City Hurricane Flood Protection Levee will receive funding for a section of wall and levee is need of repairs. Damage also occurred at the inlet area of the Moses Lake floodgate. Jefferson County’s Drainage District No. 7 pump stations suffered Harvey related damages and funding was approved for repairs.

Also, The Freeport Hurricane Protection Levee, maintained by the Valasco Drainage District, will now have money needed for a damaged pump and levee damages along the eastern bank of the Brazos River.

“The Flood Control and Coastal Emergency Act known as Public Law 84-99, authorizes the use of the use of Federal Funds for flood-protection projects damaged by Hurricane Harvey,” said Stangeland.

“This money is not for studies, existing project improvements, new levees, or new reservoirs.” Stangeland said. “We can only repair to conditions to pre-storm events"

The current list of projects that will be funded to mitigate damages resulting from natural disasters is posted at as “Short-Term Repairs” under "Supplemental Appropriations for Disasters 2018."  The list will be updated as additional information becomes available.

USACE will announce additional allocations of funds under PL 115-123 at a later date.

Release no. 18-026