GALVESTON, Texas (July 3, 2012) - Drowning is the nation’s second leading cause of accidental death. Statistics show that 90 percent of those who drown at U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lakes and rivers may have survived if they had worn life jackets. Here are some safety tips from the USACE Galveston District to help you have a safe and enjoyable Fourth of July holiday.
- Swimming in open water is more difficult than in a swimming pool. Even the best swimmers can misjudge the water and their skills when boating and swimming. Conditions can change quickly in open water so before entering the water wear a life jacket.
- While on or near the water watch your children. It only takes 20 seconds for a child to drown. Many people believe that if someone is drowning they will yell for help, which is not correct. Several people drown each year within 10 feet of safety because the people around them did not recognize they were drowning. The four signs of a drowning victim include head back, gasping for air, no yelling and arms slapping the water.
- Boaters should be aware of a silent and invisible killer while boating. Carbon monoxide can accumulate anywhere in or around boats regardless of what type of boat is being operated. Early symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning include eye irritation, headache, nausea, weakness and dizziness. Install and maintain carbon monoxide detectors on and inside your boat. Maintain a fresh circulation of air through and around the boat at all times. Avoid areas around boats where exhaust fumes may be present.
- Implement these water safety tips. Whether recreating at a USACE lake or swimming in a pool, remember to implement these safety tips the next time you’re out on the water. To find a USACE project near you visit
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Release no. 12-034