WRRDA 14 listening session webinars for public input

Published Aug. 7, 2014

GALVESTON, Texas (Aug. 7, 2014) - The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers will host a series of listening sessions (via webinar) for public input regarding the agency’s implementation of the Water Resources Reform and Development Act of 2014 (WRRDA 14). Each of the listening sessions will cover a different aspect of the general program policy provisions of WRRDA 14. These policy provisions have been categorized into general themed areas to focus listening sessions on two or more categories. The current framework for the listening sessions is as follows:

Category/Session I (Aug. 13, 2014)
-Deauthorizations and Backlog Prevention
-Project Development and Delivery (including planning)

Category/Session II (Aug. 27, 2014)
-Alternative Financing (contributions)
-Alternative Financing (Title V)

Category/Session III (Sept. 10, 2014)
-Levee Safety
-Dam Safety
-Regulatory (including 408)

Category/Session IV (Sept. 24, 2014)
-Non-Federal Implementation
-Water Supply and Reservoirs

Each listening session will last 2-3 hours beginning at 2 p.m. (Eastern Standard Time). Public contributors are permitted to talk for a specified length of time (to be determined) and if time permits, additional rounds of comments or recommendations from contributors will be allotted. Information regarding the upcoming webinars will be posted on the following website as it becomes available http://www.usace.army.mil/Missions/CivilWorks/ProjectPlanning/LegislativeLinks.aspx.

For more news and information, visit www.swg.usace.army.mil. Find us on Facebook, www.facebook.com/GalvestonDistrict or follow us on Twitter, www.twitter.com/USACEgalveston.

Release no. 14-039