GALVESTON, Texas (Sept. 29, 2016) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Galveston District awarded $54,613,535 in contracts for the following work along the Texas coast:
• $26,571,750 awarded to Weeks Marine Inc., for deferred environmental restoration along the Houston Ship Channel. This contract will use material mined from the HSC beneficially to construct marsh dikes at Atkinson Island and provide for additional placement area capacity for future dredging requirements while implementing marsh creation within Galveston Bay. In addition, the work will resolve a navigation safety concern on the HSC.
• $15,448,340 awarded to Lecon Inc. for Greens Bayou drainage structures and channel improvements and flood damage prevention. This contract will complete the final phase of the federal structural flood risk reduction improvements at Greens Bayou in the segment from Veterans Memorial to Cutten Road.
• $3,929,700 awarded to Crosby Dredging LLC for pipeline dredging along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway, Rollover Pass to Galveston Causeway. This contract will remove approximately 670,000 cubic yards of maintenance material from the GIWW. Approximately 140,000 cubic yards will be used beneficially to nourish the beach west of Rollover Pass.
• $3,828,900 awarded to RLB Contracting for rehabilitation work on GIWW placement areas 93 and 112B in Brazoria and Matagorda counties, Texas. This contract will raise existing levees to provide needed placement area capacity, replace outfall structures and provide shoreline stabilization measures.
• $2,241,800 awarded to Orion Marine Construction Inc., for unrestricted procurement for the Matagorda Ship Channel, Texas, Channel to Port Lavaca in Calhoun County, Texas. This contract will dredge shoaled sediment from the Matagorda Ship Channel to Port Lavaca and also the Matagorda Ship Channel to the Harbor of Refuge. The contractor is required to remove approximately 1.4 million cubic yards of dredged material from the Matagorda Ship Channel to Port Lavaca and Lynn Bayou Turning Basin and approximately 800,000 cubic yards of dredged material from the Harbor of Refuge, North-South Basin and East-West Basin. In total, approximately 2.2 million cubic yards of shoaled material is to be dredged and placed in open-water, unconfined placement areas.
• $2,593,045 awarded to Affolter Contracting Company for dredged material placement area work along the Houston Ship Channel in Harris County, Texas. This contract will raise containment dikes at Rosa Allen Dredged Material Placement Area in order to facilitate future dredging operations.
Encompassing the Texas coast from Louisiana to Mexico; an area that spans across 50,000 square miles, the USACE Galveston District plays a key role in America’s well-being by keeping waterways open for navigation and commerce as well as provides vital public engineering services in peace and war to strengthen our nation’s security, energize the economy and reduce risks from disasters.
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