Tag: swimming
  • USACE Galveston District summer water safety campaign in full swing

    GALVESTON, Texas (May 1, 2013) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Galveston District’s Water Safety Team is gearing up to “strike out drowning” this summer as part of an aggressive community outreach and public information campaign to educate those who use its recreational facilities, to enhance the commitment of community leaders and stakeholders in executing its mission of promoting public safety and to reduce water-related public fatalities along the Texas coast.
  • USACE Galveston District’s Simon DeSoto earns recognition for water safety PSAs

    GALVESTON, Texas (April 5, 2013) – U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Galveston District’s Simon DeSoto, Colorado River lockmaster, earned second and third place awards for his radio water safety public service announcements during the 17th International Boating & Water Safety Summit in San Antonio, Texas.
  • April Pools Day: USACE Galveston, Safe Kids Greater Houston launch summer water safety campaign in partnership with Telemundo

    HOUSTON (April 1, 2013) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Galveston District, together with Safe Kids Greater Houston, kicked off the summer 2013 water safety season and announced a newly-formed partnership with Spanish-language media outlet Telemundo at its 8th annual April Pools Day media event at the Houston Swim Club April 1.