Tag: Water Safety Program
  • USACE Galveston District earns PRSA Silver Anvil awards

    GALVESTON, Texas (June 16, 2014) –The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Galveston District was recognized with two 2014 Public Relations Society of America Silver Anvil Award of Excellence in the Multicultural Public Relations and the Public Service categories for its “Selling water safety to save lives: Army engineers collaborate to combat water-related fatalities” campaign to promote water safety and prevent drownings along the Texas coast.
  • USACE Galveston District Spotlight on Kristine Brown

    GALVESTON, Texas (April 1, 2014) – Kristine Brown, natural resources specialist and park ranger for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Galveston District began her federal career as a staff archaeologist in 1991. Today, she works at the Houston Project Office (Addicks and Barker dams and reservoirs and Wallisville Lake Project) to serve the Greater Houston public, communicating federal laws regarding the preservation and protection of natural resources in the management, operations and maintenance of government water resource properties.