GALVESTON, Texas (Aug. 22, 2013) – The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Galveston District is scheduled to reinstall the East Brazos River Floodgates Aug. 28-29 following a yearlong refurbishing process in which each of the 80-ton sector gates along with an additional 40 tons of organic material were removed for repair and cleaning to restore and enhance their structural integrity and operation.
According to Brazos River Floodgates Lockmaster Robert Page, this project was part of a routine maintenance cycle requirement designed to ensure operational readiness of the water control structure and maintain compliance with the prescribed mission of the Brazos River Floodgates and USACE Galveston District concerning navigation along the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway.
“This project was paramount in meeting our mission requirements for controlling siltation in the GIWW,” said Page. “It will continue to aid in the reduction of sediments deposited in the GIWW and possibly reduce district dredging costs.”
Located seven miles southwest of Freeport, Texas, the floodgates have been instrumental in controlling sand and silt deposition at the intersection of the Brazos River and GIWW since their completion in 1943, in addition to providing navigation aid in crossing the river.
“Approximately every 10 years the gates are removed, cleaned, repaired, sandblasted and repainted to extend their service time,” said Page. “It’s essential we continue to maintain these structures because each year approximately 15,000 commercial tows, carrying 24 million tons of products (mostly petrochemical), pass through the gates making this an important component of the Texas coastal navigation system which supports the industries that fuel commerce and power our nation.”
The original contract was awarded in December 2010 to K&K Industries Inc., (a HUB Zone small business) for $5,648,573.58.
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Release no. 13-055