February 23 – 24, 2022
USACE, Galveston District (SWG)
Virtual Winter 2022 Portfolio Review and Stakeholder Partnering Forum (SPF)
Theme: “Environmental and social justice: integral to comprehensive coastal resiliency”
The Bi-Annual SPF will be held on February 24th, 2022. There will be Speakers and a panel discussion from USACE, Industry, Academics, and Government representatives. This is a day for highlighting our joint commitment to addressing environmental and social Justice through the Navigation, Flood Risk Management, and Ecosystem Restoration Business lines. We look forward to seeing you there online.
The tickets for the Project Portfolio Review can be accessed here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/247481944157
The tickets for the Stakeholder Partnering Forum can be found here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/247579686507
Please Join Virtually with the following Webex link:
Join by phone
+1-844-800-2712 US Toll Free
+1-669-234-1177 US Toll
Access code: 1996 98 5964
USACE, SWG Stakeholder Partnering Forum Website Link (event registration, agenda, hotel information, and presentation downloads): https://www.swg.usace.army.mil/About/Partners/Stakeholder-Partnering-Forum/
Speakers: Texas A&M University Galveston, Building 3035, room 205
TAMU-G Campus Map and Directions for event parking and building locations: http://www.tamug.edu/directions.html
Please use visitor parking in Lots M200 and M201. Pay parking fee (roughly $11 – $14 for the day) from the downloadable Parkmobile App (Parking Zone #7733), or call 877-727-5953, or at parking lot kiosks in parking areas N305 or M201.
Food options: There is a coffee shop on the first floor of the Forum building (3035), and a cafeteria across the quad is available for lunch.
Attire: Business Casual
Event timeline is in Central Time (CST)
Agenda (Click here to print out the Agenda)
Day 1: WED 23 FEB 2021
Full Agenda
AGENDA - Galveston District Review
8:30 a.m. Opening Remarks - Col. Vail Timothy/Byron Williams
8:35 Operations and Maintenance - Chris Frabotta
Coastal Texas (GI) - Kelly Burks-Copes
Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay (S2G)
- Orange - Enrique Villagomez
- Port Arthur - Toniette Addison
- Freeport - Toniette Addison
Addicks & Barker Dam Safety (C) - Andrew Weber
Buffalo Bayou & Tributaries Resiliency (GI) - Andrew Weber
Clear Creek (C - 1043) - Shakhar Misir
Harris County Flood Control District (C – 211(f))
- Brays Bayou - Shakhar Misir
- Hunting Bayou
- White Oak Bayou
Greens Bayou (C) - Shakhar Misir
Resacas (PED) - Reuben Trevino
Jefferson County (GI) - Orlando Ramos-Gines
Corpus Christi Ship Channel (C) - Carlos Tate
Freeport (C) - Carlos Tate
Houston Ship Channel (C) - Harmon Brown
Galveston Channel Extension (PED) - Gretchen Brown
Matagorda Ship Channel (PED) - Franchelle Nealy
Sabine Neches Waterway (C) - Franchelle Nealy
Chocolate Bayou (C) - Shakhar Misir
Cedar Bayou (C) - Lisa McCraken Mairs
Gulf Intracoastal Waterway (GIWW) –
High Island to Brazos River (PED) - Lisa McCraken Mairs
GIWW Coastal Resilience Study (GI) - Gretchen Brown
GIWW – Brazos River Floodgates &
Colorado River Locks (PED) - Orlando Ramos-Gines
Brazos Island Harbor (PED) - Orlando Ramos-Gines
CAP/PAS Overview - Reuben Trevino
Hickory Cove - Gretchen Brown
Harlingen Section 107 - Harmon Brown
City of Columbus - Orlando Ramos-Gines
ADJOURN - 12:00
Byron Williams and Col. Timothy Vail
Day 2: THU 24 FEB 2022
7:35 – 7:40 a.m.: Call to order and event orientation. Byron Williams, Deputy District Engineer, Programs and Project Management, USACE–SWG
7:40 – 8:40 a.m.: Click Here for Video - Early Bird special topic seminar: “Ethics Topics: Gifts and Conflicts of Interest,” James Purcell, Assistant District Counsel, USACE-SWG
8:40 - 9:00 a.m.: Speaker check-in and networking coffee social (Bldg. 3035, Upstairs Foyer)
9:00 – 9:05 a.m.: Stakeholder Welcome, Byron Williams, Deputy District Engineer, Programs and Project Management, USACE-SWG (Bldg. 3035, Rm 205). Restroom locations, emergency exits, Covid19 protocols.
9:05 - 9:20 a.m.: Click Here for Video Opening Remarks, Col. Timothy Vail, Commander, USACE-SWG
9:20 – 9:35 a.m.: Industry Brief, Shamekia Chapman, Chief of Contracting, USACE-SWG
9:35 – 9:55 a.m.: Click Here for Video “Justice for whom? Insights from Texas coastal populations, people, and politics,” Dr. Ashley Ross, Assistant Professor, Department of Marine and Coastal Environmental Sciences, Texas A&M University at Galveston
9:55 – 10:15 a.m.: "Environmental Justice and Project Integration," Gloria Vaughn, Associate Director for Environmental Justice, U.S. Environment Protection Agency 6 Office of Communities, Tribes and Environmental Assessment
10:15 – 10:30 Short Break
10:30 – 10:50 a.m.: Click Here for Video “Recent Achievements, Current Status, future outlook of SWG Civil Works Program, with Focus on the Status of WRDA/IIJA,” Nick Laskowski, Chief, Programs Branch, USACE-SWG
10:50 – 11:10 a.m.: Click Here for Video "Reimaging the Energy Corridor," Elijah Williams, Executive Director, Texas Energy Corridor District
11:10 – 11:30 a.m.: “Buffalo Bayou and Tributaries Resiliency Study: Employing the Comprehensive Benefits Framework," Scott Elmer, Assistant Director of Operations, Harris County Flood Control District, Andrew Weber, Deputy Branch Chief, Project Management, USACE-SWG and Ross Gordon, Owner and Principal Consultant for Gordon Consulting Group, LLC;
11:30 - 11:50 a.m.: Click Here for Video "Coastal Texas Linking Flood Protection to Social Vulnerability," Tony Williams, Deputy Director of Coastal Field Operations, Texas General Land Office and Dr. Kelly Burkes-Copes, Chief of Program Support Branch, Mega Projects Division, USACE-SWG
11:50 - 12:10 p.m.: TBD
12:10 – 1:30 p.m.: Lunch, Campus Cafeteria available across the quad
1:30 - 1:50 p.m.: Click Here for Video "Flood Resiliency and Mitigation: An Update from Washington," Rep. Lizzie Fletcher, U.S. House of Representatives, Texas District 7
1:50 - 2:10 p.m.: Click Here for Video “Environmental Leadership in Action at the Port of Corpus Christi,” Jeff Pollack, Chief Strategy and Sustainability Officer, Port of Corpus Christi Authority
2:10 - 2:30 p.m.: Click Here for Video “Port of Houston’s Sustainability Action Plan,” Rich Byrnes, Chief Infrastructure Officer, Port of Houston Authority
2:30 - 2:50 p.m.: Click Here for Video “Life, Liberty, & The Pursuit of Happiness,” Sabine Pass to Galveston Bay Project, Nicole Sunstrum, Executive Director, Gulf Coast Protection District, Michael Braden, P.E., P.M.P., C.C.E., Chief, Mega Project Division, USACE-SWG
2:50 – 3:10 p.m.: Short Break
3:10 – 3:30 p.m.: Click Here for Video “Matagorda Ship Channel: Planning and Development for the Future Growth of Calhoun and the Mid-Texas Coast,” Charles Hausmann, Port Director, Calhoun Port Authority; Franchelle Nealy, Project Manager, USACE-SWG
3:30 - 3:50 p.m.: Click Here for Video "Environmental and Social Justice; Advocating for the Nueces County Communities," Judge Barbara Canales, Judge, Neuces County
3:50 - 4:30 p.m. Panel Discussion, Lower Rio Grande Valley Commissioners
Major O’Sullivan, Deputy Commander, USACE-SWG
Opening Presentation:
David Garza, Commissioner, Cameron County Pct 3
Click Here for Video - Panel Discussion:
David Garza, Commissioner, Cameron County Pct 3
David Fuentes, Commissioner, Hidalgo County Pct 1
Eduardo Gonzalez, Commissioner, Willacy County Pct 4
Col. Timothy Vail, Commander, USACE-SWG
4:30 - 5:00 p.m. : Click Here for Video Keynote Speaker, "Modernizing Civil Works Programs to better serve the needs of disadvantaged communities," Robyn Colosimo, P.E., Director, Policy and Legislation, Office of the Assistance Secretary of the Army got Civil Works
4:50-5:00 p.m.: Click Here for Video Byron Williams, Closing Remarks, Theme for August 2022 Stakeholder Partnering Forum
Comment Cards: Thank you for taking the time to participate in this forum evaluation. Your comments will enable us to better plan and execute future forums and tailor them to meet your needs.
Self-Assessment Record of Participations – Professional Development Hours (PDHs):